Digital futures - and other manufacturing matters

In the opening session, IfM researchers considered some of the challenges of competing in an Industry 4.0 world, including:
The need to have standards, skills, infrastructure, SME capabilities and security measures in place to support digitalisation
Developing more reconfigurable, intelligent and hence resilient systems within the factory (or across a production network)
Designing data-enabled supply chains and supporting a ‘digital attitude’ to supply chain development
Using digitalisation strategies to support business model innovation in order to deliver the outcomes customers want.
During the rest of the all-day event, delegates were also able to hear about the latest research in a range of other areas from across the whole spectrum of manufacturing – from R&D and design to supply, production and service.
Our team of practitioners from IfM Education and Consultancy Services (IfM ECS) described some of our recent collaborations, where research-based tools and techniques have been applied in both industrial contexts and in the public sector.
Delegates also heard about IfM’s executive and professional development programmes and its industrially-focused undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Presentations and resources from the day are shown below.
Presentations and resources
Global trends in the digitalisation of manufacturing
- Presentation
- Visit: CSTI website
Digitalisation of the extended factory
- Presentation
- Visit: DIAL website
- IfM Review: DIAL B for Boeing
- IfM Review: A social network of things - New approaches to asset management
- Presentation
- Visit: Visit the CIM website
- Read more: Transforming Global Manufacturing and Supply Networks
- IfM Review: Twenty-first century supply chains: Transforming the pharmaceutical industry
- IfM Review: Connecting the unconnected: new thinking on next generation supply chains
- Presentation
- Visit: CSA website
- Video: What is the future of servitization?
Developing manufacturing talent in the digital age
- Presentation
- See our range of open courses and workshops
- Read more: Executive and professional development
- IfM Review: Seeing the bigger picture: How experts at Atos are becoming 'trusted advisors'
James Moultrie and Colin Haden
- Presentation
- Read more about design for assembly
- Video: Good design is a game changer
- IfM Review: Innovation by design
- Video: Why did they design it like that?
Making the shift to service-based business models
- Presentation
- Visit the CSA website
- Video: What is the future of servitization?
- IfM Review: Making the shift to services
Transforming global manufacturing and supply networks
Jag Srai, Paul Christodoulou and Don Fleet
- Presentation
- Visit: CIM website
- Read more: Transforming Global Manufacturing and Supply Networks
- IfM Review: Twenty-first century supply chains: Transforming the pharmaceutical industry
- IfM Review: Connecting the unconnected: new thinking on next generation supply chains
Industrial resilience and automation
Liz Salter, Alan Thorne, Ajith Parlikad and Phil Woodall
- Presentation
- Practical tools and techniques
- Visit: the DIAL website
- IfM Review: DIAL B for Boeing
- IfM Review: A social network of things - New approaches to asset management
Industrial strategies for national, regional and local policymakers
Andrew Gill and Carlos Lopez-Gomez
- Presentation - Andrew Gill
- Presentation - Carlos Lopez-Gomez
- Visit: Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy website
- Read about how we work with national, regional and local policymakers to develop joined-up industrial strategies
- IfM Review: Understanding the landscape - High value manufacturing strategies for the regions
Technology and innovation management
David Probert, Rob Phaal, Melanie Despeisse, Clare Farrukh, and Frank Tietze
- Presentation
- Visit: CTM website
- Strategic Technology and Innovation Management Consortium
- IfM Review: Getting to grips with IP
- IfM Review: Roadmapping at BASF
- Presentation
- Visit: CIS website
- Symposium: High-Value Business Models Symposium
- IfM Review: The Cambridge Value Mapping Tool
Measuring what matters
Andy Neely, Andi Jones and Nick Sherwen
- Presentation
- Visit: Nano website
- IfM Review: Small but mighty: the manufacturing challenges of nanotechnology
Advancing digital manufacturing with fluids
- Presentation coming soon!
- Visit: FIAM website
- IfM Review: Advanced manufacturing - From research to real products
- IfM Review: Liquid Assets
Energy beam processing and the drive for ultra-precision manufacturing
- Visit: CIP website
- IfM Review: Small is beautiful: Why ultra precision manufacturing is such a big deal
For more information, please contact: