Former IfM student becomes a visionary for the next generation
Thursday 15 December 2011Former IfM student Philip Deakin was recently named Undergraduate Visionary of 2011 by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).
Sound recognition technology to be used to detect crimes
Tuesday 15 November 2011New sound-recognition technology developed by a Cambridge company is to be used in intercom systems to protect prison, hospital and commercial staff from violence, break-ins and vandalism.
Alquist carries off another major award
Tuesday 15 November 2011A high-tech temperature monitoring device which could help UK firms cut millions of pounds off their energy bills, has given its inventor his second major product award this year.
ideaSpace company to open new R&D centre in the North East
Thursday 3 November 2011Award-winning ideaSpace company Polysolar is opening a new research and development office in County Durham.
Award winning students visit the IfM
Thursday 27 October 2011Two award winning sixth form students were given an introduction to student life at the IfM as part of a week’s placement with British Sugar.
ideaSpace company enters research collaboration with marine survey company to reduce CO2 emissions
Thursday 20 October 2011Cambridge Carbon Capture (CCC) has entered into a research collaboration with Polarcus Limited to develop its carbon mineralization technology.
How Cambridge high tech cluster stands up to recession
Thursday 13 October 2011The Cambridge high tech cluster proved relatively resilient amidst what many consider the worst economic crisis since the early 1930s, according to new research from the Institute for Manufacturing.
Table demonstrates the hidden power of moss
Thursday 22 September 2011A team of designers from the IfM's Design Management Group are exhibiting a novel 'moss table' at the London Design Festival this week.
Shift to service is 'vital' for UK industry
Wednesday 21 September 2011New research led by Professor Andy Neely, Director of the Cambridge Service Alliance (CSA) argues that a shift to services is vital for UK industry.
Award for product which could slash industry energy bills
Tuesday 20 September 2011An ideaSpace-based company has been shortlisted for its third major product award in a year. Alquist has been nominated for its product Celsius, a high-tech temperature monitoring device which could help UK firms cut millions of pounds off their energy bills.
IfM graduate wins James Dyson design award
Thursday 8 September 2011A former IfM student, Michael Korn, is the UK winner of the James Dyson Award, an international design competition run across 18 countries.
Head of IfM made Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering
Friday 26 August 2011IfM Head, Professor Sir Mike Gregory, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in recognition of his distinguished career teaching and researching at the forefront of Engineering.
EPSRC funded report into Japanese interests in Industrial Sustainability
Thursday 28 July 2011Over thirty delegates came together at the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining in London to join the launch of an EPSRC funded report into Japanese interests in Industrial Sustainability.
Award for research paper into true costs of outsourcing to China
Tuesday 26 July 2011Companies who outsource to China significantly underestimate the costs involved. Although cost savings are cited as a major reason for sourcing from China, the actual savings may not be as great as expected. This is the finding of a research paper by Dr Ken Platts of the IfM.
School children get a taste of manufacturing engineering
Thursday 21 July 2011Twenty-three children from a Chelmsford secondary school spent a day at the IfM, having fun and learning about manufacturing engineering.
IfM to host student precision engineering challenge
Tuesday 28 June 2011The cream of European engineering talent will be converging on Cambridge next month to take part in an annual international competition.
Cambridge gains another first
Thursday 16 June 2011Michael Herring, an apprentice at the IfM’s Centre for Industrial Photonics (CIP), has just been named Apprentice of the Year by Cambridge Regional College’s Engineering Academy.
IfM's got Design Talent
Thursday 9 June 2011A group of four Cambridge Manufacturing Engineering students have come up with a new design for a extreme sports device which could save lives.
Science Minister opens new innovation hub
Wednesday 25 May 2011A new multi-million pound science and enterprise hub designed to encourage collaboration and foster the commercialisation of scientific research and innovation, has been officially opened by Science Minister David Willetts at Colworth Science Park, Bedfordshire.
Doctoral student leads Rwanda enterprise initiative
Tuesday 17 May 2011An IfM doctoral student is playing a leading role in trying to find budding Bransons in poverty-stricken Rwanda.
IfM to partner in two major manufacturing research initiatives
Monday 16 May 2011The IfM is to be a major partner in two new research centres designed to help boost UK manufacturing. The Institute is a partner in both the new EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Ultra Precision and the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing for Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation.
Dr Bill O'Neill elected as Fellow of Institute of Physics
Thursday 12 May 2011Dr Bill O’Neill was recently elected by the Council of the Institute of Physics to a Fellowship of the Institute in recognition of his personal contribution to the advancement of physics.
Fast-tracking Open Innovation research
Thursday 5 May 2011The Open Innovation Research Forum (OIRF) launched with a two-day ‘fast start’ research proposal development workshop. The OIRF workshop – sponsored by the UK Innovation Research Centre and Japan’s Institute for Technology, Enterprise and Competitiveness – brought together 40 representatives of multinationals, open innovation intermediaries, and academics from around the world to discuss the links between geographic location and the successful implementation of open innovation.
Prestigious award for IfM SRA
Tuesday 5 April 2011David Gill, a Senior Research Associate at the IfM, has received a prestigious award for Outstanding Contribution to Business Incubation 2011.
Budding Branson's have winning ideas for top tech!
Tuesday 5 April 2011A robot door opener, an interactive recipe book and an automatic school register were just some of the imaginative ideas submitted in a great gadget competition.
IfM forms part of new Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Industrial sustainability
Wednesday 30 March 2011The IfM is to be a major partner in a multi-million pound project to establish a new national research centre in the field of industrial sustainability.
Manufacturing on the agenda as trade mission visits Cambridge
Thursday 17 March 2011A high-profile US trade mission visited the IfM as part of an international 10-day trade tour of Israel and the UK.
MET alumni have a 'Six' sense for business
Thursday 10 March 2011Two former students are busy putting the lessons learned from the IfM's Manufacturing Engineering Tripos into practice.
Massachusetts trade mission to visit the IfM
Tuesday 8 March 2011The IfM is to receive a visit by the State Governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, and his Innovation Economy Partnership Mission team.
Chinese Ambassador explores opportunites for collaboration with IfM
Tuesday 1 March 2011Mr Liu Xiaoming, Chinese Ambassador to the UK, visited the Institute for Manufacturing to discuss the Institute’s connections with China and explore opportunities for future collaboration.
European Commission President visits IfM
Wednesday 23 February 2011The President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, has visited the IfM.
IfM Open Evening highlights research activity
Tuesday 22 February 2011An audience of industrialists and academics attended the IfM Open Evening to find out more about the institute's latest projects.
Japan trip throws light on industrial sustainability
Monday 21 February 2011A group of UK academics have visited Japan to find out more about the country's approach to industrial sustainability.
Research hopes to boost NPD success
Thursday 10 February 2011An ambitious research project aims to improve the chances of success for new products – by studying the role of senior management in the development process.
EurOMA breaks record for paper submissions
Tuesday 8 February 2011A prestigious international conference on Operations Management has become a record breaker, having received more than 850 academic paper submissions.
IfM hosts visit from Mexican delegation
Tuesday 25 January 2011A delegation of Mexican government officials paid a visit to the IfM to find out more about the Institute’s research on industrial policy and its role in assisting small businesses.
ideaSpace announces seven programmes to support innovation and enterprise
Thursday 20 January 2011Seven projects designed to support innovators and entrepreneurs across the Eastern Region have been announced by the ideaSpace Enterprise Accelerator (iEA).
Wizard win for IfM’s amateur cartoonist
Monday 10 January 2011An IfM researcher has been named Young Cartoonist of the Year thanks to his illustration depicting rejected Harry Potter titles.
Professor Mike Gregory knighted in New Year Honours
Tuesday 4 January 2011Professor Mike Gregory, Head of the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) and of the Manufacturing and Management Division of the Department of Engineering, has received a knighthood in the New Years Honours for services to technology.