Good Design is a Game Changer

James Moultrie, Head the IfM’s Design Management Group, argues that good design is just as important for industrial products as it is for consumer goods such as cars and electronics. Machine tools and instruments play a vital part in a business and if they are well designed they can increase productivity, minimise disruption and may even transform the business model. 


James considers what constitutes good design, and concludes that it is a combination of how well products perform, how they look and how easy they are to use - and to manufacture. Achieving a balance between function, aesthetics, ergonomics and manufacturability can be a challenge but is likely to result in significant competitive advantage.


Watch the video: 


For more information, please contact Dr James Moultrie E: or Colin Haden E:




Date published

28 April 2016

For further information please contact:

James Moultrie


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