
Sara AlMahri

Doctoral Student

Professor Alexandra Brintrup

Professor in Digital Manufacturing

Dr Sam Brooks

Senior Research Associate

Dr Yin-Chi Chan

Research Associate

Janet Yoon Chang

Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher

Sungin Cho

Doctoral Student

Darius Danaei

Doctoral Student

Dr Maharshi Dhada

Research Fellow

Kaya Dreesbeimdiek

Doctoral Researcher

Mrs Rebecca Evans

DIAL Administrator

Jack Foster

Doctoral Student

Bet Fowler

Assistant Administrator

Max Fox-Holmes

Doctoral Student

Dr Greg Hawkridge

Senior Research Associate

Dr Manuel Herrera

Senior Research Associate

Hanu Priya Indiran

Doctoral Researcher

Valeria Jannelli

Visiting Graduate Student

Jan Kaiser

Doctoral Student

Lea Karbevska

PhD Student

Dr Nikolai Kazantsev

Research Associate

Lingxuan Kong

Doctoral Student

Dr Zhengyang Ling

Research Associate

Yunbo Long

Doctoral Researcher

Jaime Macias Aguayo

Doctoral Student

Professor Duncan McFarlane

Professor of Industrial Information Engineering & Head, Distributed Information & Automation Laboratory

Dr Jorge Merino

Research Associate

Dr Anandarup Mukherjee

Senior Research Associate

Momoko Nakaoka

Doctoral Researcher

Ning Pan

Research Associate

Professor Ajith Parlikad

Professor of Asset Management

Duvan Pineda

Research Assistant

Kate Price Thomas

Marketing & Engagement Lead at Digital Manufacturing on a Shoestring

Yaniv Proselkov

Doctoral Student

Dr Alena Puchkova

Research Associate

Dr Sudhir Rama Murthy

Research Associate

Liz Salter

Industrial Associate

Dr Manu Sasidharan

Research Collaborator

Stefan Schoepf

Doctoral Researcher

Holly Sheahan

Business & Operations Lead - Digital Manufacturing on a Shoestring

Dr German Terrazas Angulo

Research Associate

Alan Thorne

Technical Officer

Ioan Webber

Research Assistant

Dr Alex C. Y. Wong

Embedded Researcher

Dr Liming Xu

Research Associate

Dr Gökçen Yilmaz

Visiting Researcher

Dr Ge Zheng

Research Associate
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