Professor Duncan McFarlane
Professor of Industrial Information Engineering & Head, Distributed Information & Automation Laboratory
Duncan McFarlane is Professor of Industrial Information Engineering at the Cambridge University Engineering Department, fellow of St John's College and head of the Distributed Information & Automation Laboratory within the Institute for Manufacturing. His work involves the development of manufacturing automation and control systems and more broadly the use of digital systems across the industrial supply chain. His current research work is mainly focused on distributed, intelligent industrial automation, low-cost approaches to digital industrial solutions, resilient and reconfigurable systems in manufacturing and logistics. Previous work has also examined issues relating to RFID integration, track and trace systems, valuing industrial information, and information solutions supporting industrial services.
Prof McFarlane completed a B Eng degree at Melbourne University in 1984, a PhD in the design of robust control systems at Cambridge in 1988, and worked industrially with BHP Australia in engineering and research roles between 1980 and 1994. Prof McFarlane joined the Department of Engineering at Cambridge in 1995 as a lecturer in Industrial Automation Systems. He was appointed Professor of Service and Support Engineering between 2006 and 2011 which was supported by both Royal Academy of Engineering and BAE Systems. From October 2011, he became Professor of Industrial Information Engineering at Cambridge.
Between 2000 and 2003 he was the European Research Director of the Auto-ID Center. From 2001-2011 he was a co-investigator in the EPSRC funded Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre based in the Institute for Manufacturing. In 2004, he became head of the Cambridge Auto ID Lab (2014-2021) and co founded a series of programmes on information in the aerospace sector including the Aero ID Programme, examining the role of RFID in the aerospace industry. Professor McFarlane is also Co-Founder and Chairman of RedBite Solutions Ltd (2006) - an industrial RFID and track & trace solutions company. Prof. McFarlane is was a member of the executive team for the Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction, between 2011-17, lead of the Boeing-Cambridge partnership (2017-22) and co-investigator on the Made Smarter Connected Factories Centre (2021-).
From March to July 2020 he led a team which won the RAE Presidents Award for providing Industrial Engineering support to local hospitals managing the Covid-19 Epidemic and from September 2020 to July 2021 was Operations Logistics lead at Cambridge University for its Asymptomatic Covid-19 Student Testing Programme.
Prof McFarlane is the lead on the Digital Manufacturing on a Shoestring programme which is investigating how low-cost, readily available digital technologies can be implemented to support growth and productivity in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The project addressed the common concern that many digital manufacturing solutions are designed for large companies and is now being applied in different regions in the UK and internationally.
Research interests
- distributed, intelligent industrial automation,
- low-cost approaches to digital industrial solutions,
- resilient and reconfigurable systems in manufacturing and logistics,
- RFID integration,
- track & trace systems,
- valuing industrial information, and
- information solutions supporting industrial and healthcare services
Professional affiliations (recent only)
- 2022 - present: OECD International Review Panel on Automation
- 2011 - present: Steering Board, Cambridge Centre for Smart Construction and Infrastructure (CSIC)
- 2017 - present: Cambridge Lead, Boeing – Cambridge Research Programme
- 2016 - present: Steering Board: EPSRC Network - Connected Everything
- 2016 - present: Editorial Board, Computers in Industry
- 2016 - present: committee member ATI Market and Economic Advisory Group
- 2016 - present: programme committee, Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing
- 2015 - present: Member IFAC Technical Committee -5.1 Manufacturing Plant Control
- 2016 - present: EPSRC Expert Review Panel
- 2020 - 2022: Member Joint Universities Expert Panel on Covid Testing
- 2020 - 2021: Logistics Lead, Cambridge University COVID-19 Asymptomatic Student Testing Programme
- 2021 - 2022: OECD International Expert Panel on Task Automatability
- 2017 - 2022: Research Expert panel – Digital Build Britain
- 2018: workshop chairman – Industrial IoT Workshop, IFM Cambridge
- 2017 - 2018: UK Government "Digital 4 Industry" Panel
- (SOHOMA) Workshop Series
- 2011 - 2016: Chairman, Academic Advisory Board, Cambridge Service Alliance
- 2016: Programme Committee, CSIC International Conference, Cambridge, July
- 2015: Chair, Sohoma’15, Workshop on Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing, St John’s College, Cambridge
- 2015: Co Chair, Special Track on Industrial Automation, IEEE INDIN, Cambridge
- 2014: Chairman of “Airports 2025” Workshop for the European Aviation Industry, Cambridge, May
- 2014: Organiser of industrial workshop series “Futureproofing of Construction & Infrastructure”, Cambridge, Jan-April.
- 2013: Member of Crossrail BIM Industry Panel
- 2012: Chairman and Organiser, Cambridge Workshop on Product Intelligence, September, 2012
- 2012: Chairman, Cambridge Service Alliance, Industrial Forum, Cambridge, September, 2012
- 2012: Academic Review Panel, Siemens Research & Development, USA.
- 2012: International Programme Committee, INCOM 2012, Bucharest, May, 2012
Books and Journal Publications by topic
Low Cost Approach to Industrial Digital Solutions and Industry 4.0
Industrial & Healthcare Logistics & Smart Construction
Distributed, Intelligent Control in Manufacturing
Industrial Resilience, Reconfigurability & Responsiveness
Industrial Application, Integration and Adoption Of RFID
Service & Support Engineering
Robust Control System Design
Steel Mill Control
Low Cost Approach to Industrial Digital Solutions and Industry 4.0
Köbnick, P and Velu, C and McFarlane, D (2020) "Preparing for industry 4.0: Digital business model innovation in the food and beverage industry", International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 13(1). pp. 59a-89.
Tortorella, G and Cauchick, M and Paulo, A and Li, W and Staines, J and McFarlane, D (2021) "What does Operational Excellence mean in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era", International Journal of Production Research
Hawkridge G, Mukherjee A, McFarlane D, Tlegenov Y, Parlikad AK, Reyner NJ, Thorne A, (2021), "Monitoring on a shoestring: Low cost solutions for digital manufacturing", Annual Reviews in Control 51:374-391
Tortorella, GL and Fogliatto, FS and Saurin, TA and Tonetto, LM and McFarlane, D (2022) "Contributions of Healthcare 4.0 digital applications to the resilience of healthcare organizations during the COVID-19 outbreak", Technovation: The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management, 111:01 Mar
Schönfuß, B, McFarlane, D, et al (2021), "A catalogue of digital solution areas for prioritising the needs of manufacturing SMEs", Computers in Industry 133
Warne B, Metaxaki M, Fuller S, et al (2021) "Feasibility and efficacy of mass testing for SARS-CoV-2 in a UK university using swab pooling and PCR", Research Square2021. [Preprint.] doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-520626/v1
McFarlane D, Ratchev S, De Silva L, Hawkridge G, Schönfuß B, Angulo G T (2022), "Digitalisation for SME Manufacturers: A Framework and a Low-Cost Approach", IFAC-PapersOnLine 55(2):414-419
Kaiser J, Terrazas G, McFarlane D, de Silva L, (2021), "Towards low-cost machine learning solutions for manufacturing SMEs", AI and Society 01
Industrial & Healthcare Logistics & Smart Construction
McFarlane, D, Giannikas, V, Wong, ACY, Harrison, M (2013), "Intelligent products in the supply chain – 10 Years on", Studies in Computational Intelligence 472:103-117 2013
McFarlane, D, Giannikas, V, Wong, ACY, Harrison, M (2013), "Product intelligence in industrial control: Theory and practice", Annual Reviews in Control 37(1):69-88 2013
Giannikas, V, Lu, W, McFarlane, D, Hyde, J (2013), "Product intelligent in warehouse management: A case study", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Noes in Bioinformatics), 8062 LNAI:224-235 2013
Lu, W and McFarlane, D and Giannikas, V and Zhang, Q (2014) "An algorithm for dynamic order-picking in warehouse operations", European Journal of Operational Research. ISSN 0377-2217 X
Jess, T and Woodall, P and McFarlane, D (2015) "Evaluating the applicability of multi-agent software for implementing distributed industrial data management approaches", Studies in Computational Intelligence, 594. pp. 199-207. ISSN 1860-949X
Tsamis, N and Giannikas, V and McFarlane, D and Lu, W and Strachan, J (2015) "Adaptive storage location assignment for warehouses using intelligent products", Studies in Computational Intelligence, 594. pp. 271-279. ISSN 1860-949X
McFarlane, D and Giannikas, V and Lu, W (2016) "Intelligent logistics: Involving the customer", Computers in Industry, 81. pp. 105-115. ISSN 0166-3615
Wijffels, L, Giannikas, V, Woodall, P, McFarlane, D, Lu, W, (2016), "An enhanced cycle counting approach utilising historical inventory data", IFAC-Papers OnLine, Volume 49, Issue 12, Pages 1347-1352
Schattka, M, Puchkova, A, McFarlane, D, (2016), "Framework for simulation-based performance assessment and resilience improvement", IFAC-PapersOnLine, v49, Issue 12, Pages, 289-294
Giannikas, V and Lu, W and Robertson, B and McFarlane, D (2017) "An interventionist strategy for warehouse order picking: Evidence from two case studies", International Journal of Production Economics, 189. pp. 63-76. ISSN 0925-5273
Bintrup, A and Wichmann, P and Woodall, P and McFarlane, D and Nicks, E and Krechel, W (2018) "Predicting Hidden Links in Supply Networks", Complexity, 2018. ISSN
Wichmann, P and Brintrup, A and Baker, S and Woodall, P and McFarlane, D (2018) "Towards automatically generating supply chain maps from natural language text", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51. pp. 1726-1731.
Woodall, P and Giannikas, V and Lu, W and McFarlane, D (2019) "Potential Problem Data Tagging: Augmenting information systems with the capability to deal with inaccuracies", Decision Support Systems, 121. pp. 72-83. ISSN 0167-9236
Srinivasan, R and Giannikas, V and Kumar, M and Guyot, R and McFarlane, D (2019) "Modelling food sourcing decisions under climate change: A data-driven approach", Computers and Industrial Engineering, 128. pp. 911-919. ISSN 0360-8352
Giannikas, V and McFarlane, D and Strachan, J (2019) "Towards the deployment of customer orientation: A case study in third-party logistics", Computers in Industry, 104. pp. 75-87. ISSN 0166-3615
Brintrup, A and Pak, J and Ratiney, D and Pearce, T and Wichmann, P and Woodall, P and McFarlane, D (2020) "Supply chain data analytics for predicting supplier disruptions: a case study in complex asset manufacturing", International Journal of Production Research, 58. pp. 3330-3341. ISSN 0020-7543
Wichmann, P and Brintrup, A and Baker, S and Woodall, P and McFarlane, D (2020) "Extracting supply chain maps from news articles using deep neural networks", International Journal of Production Research. ISSN 0020-7543
Giannikas, V and McFarlane, D (2021) "Examining the value of flexible logistics offerings", European Journal of Operational Research 290(3):968-981.
Pan, S and Trentesaux, D and McFarlane, D and Montreuil, B and Ballot, E and Huang, GQ (2021) "Digital interoperability in logistics and supply chain management: state-of-the-art and research avenues towards Physical Internet", Computers in Industry, 129, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2021.103462
Pan, S., Trentesaux, D., McFarlane, D., Montreuil, B., Ballot, E., Huang, G. Q. (2021) "Digital interoperability and transformation in logistics and supply chain management: Editorial" Computers in Industry.
Zhong, S, Giannikas V, Merino J, McFarlane D, Cheng J, Shao W (2022), "Evaluating the benefits of picking and packing planning integration in e-commerce warehouses", European Journal of Operational Research 301(1): 67-81.
Aggarwal D, et al. (2022), "Genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in a UK university identifies dynamics of transmission". Nat Commun 13(1):751 08 Feb 2022
McFarlane, D, et al, (2022), "Logistics of a Covid-19 Testing Programme for Students: A Practical Study in Operational Resilience", submitted to IJOPR.
Masood, T and McFarlane, D and Parlikad, AK and Dora, J and Ellis, A and Schooling, J (2016) "Towards the future-proofing of UK infrastructure", Infrastructure Asset Management, 3. pp. 28-41. ISSN 2053-0242
Distributed, Intelligent Control in Manufacturing
Marik, V, McFarlane, D, Valckenaers, P, eds, "Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems for Manufacturing", Springer Verlag, LNAI 2744 (2003)
Chokshi, N, McFarlane, D, “Reconfigurable Process Control Systems”, Springer, (2008)
Borangiu, T, Trentesaux, D, Thomas, A, McFarlane, D (2016), "Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi Agent Manufacturing", Springer, Studies in Computational Intelligence, no 640.
Bongaerts, L. Monostori, D. McFarlane, B. Kádá, "Hierarchy In Distributed Shop-Floor Control", Computers in Industry, v43, n2, pp123-137, (2000)
McFarlane, D, Bussmann, S, "State of the Art of Holonic Systems in Production Planning and Control", Int Journal of Production Planning and Control, v11, n6, pp522-536, (2000)
Peng, Y, McFarlane, D, "Adaptive Agent-Based Manufacturing Management Systems And Their Application To Flow Shop Control", Journal of Production Planning and Control, v15, n4, 2004
Jarvis, D, Jarvis, J, McFarlane, D, "Achieving Holonic Control – an Incremental Approach", Computers in Industry, Volume 51, Issue 2 , Pages 211-223 , (2003)
D McFarlane, M Kollingbaum, J Matson, P Valckanaers, “Development of Algorithms for Agent-based Control of Manufacturing Flow Shops”, Studies in Informatics and Control, V11, n1, pp41-52 (2002)
Marik, V and McFarlane, D (2005) "Industrial adoption of agent based technologies". IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20 (1). pp. 27-35. ISSN 1541-1672
McFarlane, D. and Marik, V. and Valckenaers, P. (2005) "Intelligent control in the manufacturing supply chain". IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20 (1). pp. 24-26. ISSN 1541-1672 (editorial)
Jarvis, R. Rönnquist, D. McFarlane and L. Jain, "A team-based approach to robotic assembly cell control", Journal of Network and Computer Applications 29 (2006), 160–176
Farid, A, McFarlane, D, (2007) "A Design Structure Matrix Based Method for Reconfigurability Measurement of Distributed Manufacturing Systems", International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp118-129
Brusey, J, McFarlane, D, Thorne, A, (2008) "Non-Autonomous Elementary Net Systems And Their Application To Programmable Logic Control", IEEE Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics—Part A: Systems And Humans, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp 397-409
Chokshi, N, McFarlane, D, (2008) "Reconfigurable Control of Chemical Process Operations", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Volume 19, Number 2 / April, 2008, 215-232
Framling, K, McFarlane, D, (2009) "Editorial – Special Issue on Intelligent Products", Computers in Industry, Volume 60 , Issue 3, Pages: 135-136
Sánchez López, T, Ranasinghe, D, Patki, B, McFarlane, D, (2009) "Taxonomy, technology and applications of Smart Objects", Journal of Information Systems and Frontiers, Springer, Volume: 13, Issue: 2, Pages: 1-20
Sanchez-Lopez, T, Harrison, M, McFarlane, D (2011) “Adding Sense to the Internet of Things - An Architecture Framework and High-Performance Protocol for Smart Objects”, Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - Special Issue " User Driven Applications RFID Applications & Challenges, DOI: 10.1007/s00779-011-0399-8, pp 1–18.
Brintrup, A, McFarlane, D, D Ranasinghe, T Sanchez-Lopez, Owens, K, (2011) "Will intelligent assets take off? Towards self-serving aircrafts," IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26 (3). pp. 66-75. ISSN 1941-1294
Kruse, S, Brintrup, A, McFarlane, D, Sanchez Lopez, T, Owens, K, Krechel, W, (2012) Self-serving assets are competing! A multi-agent system for handling competition among products, IEEE Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1, 0
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6320688&isnumber=4804729
Lopez, TS, Ranasinghe, DC, Harrison, M, McFarlane, D (2012), "Adding sense to the Internet of Things An architecture framework for Smart Objective systems", PERS UBIQUIT COMPUT 16(3):291-309 March 2012
Kruse, B, Brintrup, A, McFarlane, D, Lopez TS, Owens, K, Krechel, WE (2013), "Designing Automated Allocation Mechanisms for Service Procurement of Imperfectly Substitutable Services", IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 5(1):15-32, March 2013
McFarlane, D, Parlikad, A, Neely, A, Thorne, A (2013), "A framework for distributed intelligent automation systems developments", Studies in Computational Intelligence 472: 313-326 2013
Srinivasan, R and Giannikas, V and McFarlane, D and Thorne, A (2018) Customising with 3D printing: The role of intelligent control, Computers in Industry, 103. pp. 38-46. ISSN 0166-3615
Hernandez, MP and Mcfarlane, D and Parlikad, AK and Herrera, M and Jain, AK (2021) "Relaxing Platform Dependencies in Agent-Based Control Systems", IEEE Access 9:30511-30527.
Guta, SA, Dumitrache, I, McFarlane, D, Masood, T (2013), "Rationales of holonic manufacturing systems in leather industry", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8062 LNAI: 199-211 2013
Industrial Resilience, Reconfigurability & Responsiveness
Matson, J, McFarlane, D, "Assessing the Responsiveness of Existing Production Operations", in International Journal of Operations and Production Management, v19, n8, pp765-784 (1999)
Shaw, D.C. McFarlane, Y.S. Chang, P.J.G. Noury, "Measuring Response Capabilities in the Order Fulfillment Process", ICFAI Journal of Supply Chain Management, v1, n4, pp27-39, 2004
Farid, A, McFarlane, D, "Production Degrees of Freedom as Manufacturing System Reconfiguration Potential Measures", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Volume 222, Number 10, pp1301-1314 (2008)
Covanich, W, McFarlane, D, Brusey, J, Farid, A, "Ready Configuration of Machines into an Existing Manufacturing System”, in International Journal of Agile Manufacturing, v10, n2, 5-18 (2007)
Chokshi, NN, McFarlane, D, "A distributed architecture for reconfigurable control of continuous process operations", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 19(2):215-232 (2008)
Covanich, W, McFarlane, D, Farid, AM, "Guidelines for evaluating the ease of reconfiguration of manufacturing systems", IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) 1214-1219 (2008)
Covanich, W, McFarlane, D, "Assessing the The Ease of Reconfiguration of Distributed Manufacturing Systems and Conventional Manufacturing Systems", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Volume 22, Issue 7, October 2009, Pages 1015-1024
Covanich, W, McFarlane, D, "Comparing the Control Structures of ISA S88 and Holonic Component-Based Architecture", IEEE Trans on Systems Man and Cybernetics – Part C Applications and Reviews V. 41, No. 1 (2011)
Puchkova, A, McFarlane, D, Srinivasan, R, Thorne, A (2020) "Resilient planning strategies to support disruption-tolerant production operations", International Journal of Production Economics. ISSN 0925-5273
Industrial Application, Integration and Adoption Of RFID
McFarlane, D. and Sarma, S. and Chirn, J. L. and Wong, C. Y. and Ashton, K. (2003) "Auto ID systems and intelligent manufacturing control", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 16 (4). pp. 365-376. ISSN 0952-1976
McFarlane, D, Sheffi, Y, "The Impact of Automatic Identification on Supply Chain Operations", International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1-17, (2003)
McFarlane, D, Sheffi, Y, "Speeding the Supply Chain", Information Economics Journal, December 2003, pp 26-27
McFarlane, D, Shaw, A, "The challenge of unified RFID", invited viewpoint, Sensor Review, v26, n2 (2006)
Parlikad, A.K. and McFarlane, D. (2007), "RFID-based product information in end-of-life decision making", IFAC Control Engineering Practice Journal. ISSN 0967-0661
Wong, CY and McFarlane, DC (2007), "Radio frequency identification data capture and its impact on shelf replenishment", International Journal of Logistics, 10 (1). pp. 71-93. ISSN 1367-5567
Kulkarni, A, Ralph, D, McFarlane, D, (2007), "Value of RFID in Remanufacturing", v2, n3, Journal of Service Operations and Informatics
Staake, T, Michahelles, F, Fleisch, E, Williams, JR, Min, H, Cole, PH, Lee, SG, McFarlane, D, Murai, J, (2008), "Anti-counterfeiting and supply chain security" in Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting: First Edition 33-43
Parlikad, A, McFarlane, D, Harrison, M, Thorne, A, (2009), "The role of AIDC technologies in product recovery – an Information Quality perspective", Int. J. Product Lifecycle Management, Vol. 4, Nos. 1/2/3, pp129-145
Kulkarni, A, Ralph, D, McFarlane, D, Parlikad, A, (2009?) The Impact of RFID on Product Recovery Industry, Supply Chain Forum: International Journal, ISSN 1624-6039 [in press]
Parlikad, A.K.N. and McFarlane, D.C. (2009) "A Bayesian Decision Support system for vehicle component recovery", International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, 1 (4). pp. 415-436. ISSN 1742-7231 (Online)
Parlikad, A.K.N. and McFarlane, D.C. (2009) "Strategies for product recovery decisions", International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, 4 (1/2/3). pp. 186-206. ISSN 1743-5110, 1743-5129(Online)
Brusey, J, McFarlane, D, (2009), Effective RFID-based Part Tracking for Manufacturing, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1362-3052, Volume 22, Issue 7, 2009
Sarma, S, Mickle, M, McFarlane, D, Cole, P, Engels, D., (2009), "Guest Editorial Special Section on RFID", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, v6, n1, pp1-3.
Parlikad, A.K.N. and McFarlane, D.C., (2010), "Value of information in product recovery decisions: a Bayesian approach", International Journal of Sustainable Engineering. Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2010, pages 106-120, ISSN 1939-7038 (paper), 1939-7046 (online)
Brintrup, A., Ranasinghe, D.C. and McFarlane, D.C. (2010) RFID opportunity analysis for leaner manufacturing, International Journal of Production Research, 48(9): 2745-2764.
Parlikad, A.K.N. and McFarlane, D.C., (2010), Quantifying the impact of AIDC technologies for vehicle component recovery, Computers and Industrial Engineering. Volume: 4, Issue: 1/2/3, Pages: 129, ISSN 0360-8352 (In Press)
Kelepouris, T, McFarlane, D, (2010) "Determining the value of asset location information systems in a manufacturing environment", International Journal of Production Economics, 2010, vol. 126, issue 2, pages 324-334
Kelepouris, T, McFarlane, D, Harrison, M, (2011), Bayesian Supply Chain Tracking Using Serial-Level Information, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, V 41, Issue 5, pp 733 - 742
Kelepouris, T, McFarlane, D, Giannikas, V, (2012), A Supply Chain Tracking Model Using Auto-ID Observations, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, v5, n4.
Ranasinghe, D C, Mark Harrison, M, Främling, K, Duncan C. McFarlane, (2011), "Enabling through life product-instance management: Solutions and challenges". J. Network and Computer Applications 34(3): 1015-1031
Service & Support Engineering
Ng, Irene C.L., Peter Wild, Glenn Parry, Duncan McFarlane and Paul Tasker (Eds) (2011), "Complex Service Systems: Concepts & Research", Springer, Series on Decision Engineering, Springer.
Ng, I, Parry, G, McFarlane, D, Tasker, P, (2011) "Towards A Core Integrative Framework For Complex Engineering Service Systems", in Ng, I, Wild, P, Parry, G, McFarlane, D, and Tasker, P, (Eds) (2011), Complex Service Systems: Concepts & Research, Springer
McFarlane, D (2011) "An Engineering Perspective on Service Science", in Demerikan, H, Spoehrer, J, The Science of Service Systems, (2011), Springer.
Cuthbert, R, McFarlane, D, Neely, A, (2011) "A Framework for Service Information Requirements", in Ng, I, Wild, P, Parry, G, McFarlane, D, and Tasker, P, (Eds) (2011), Complex Service Systems: Concepts & Research, Springer
Cuthbert, R, Tiwari, A, Ball, P, Thorne, A, McFarlane, D (2011), "Investigating the Role of Information on Service Strategies Using Discrete Event Simulation", in Ng, I, Wild, P, Parry, G, McFarlane, D, and Tasker, P, (Eds) (2011), Complex Service Systems: Concepts & Research, Springer
Ng, I, Parry, G, Maull, R, McFarlane, D (2011), "Complex Engineering Service Systems: A Grand Challenge", in Ng, I, Wild, P, Parry, G, McFarlane, D, and Tasker, P, (Eds) (2011), Complex Service Systems: Concepts & Research, Springer
Ng, I, Parry, G, McFarlane, D, Tasker, P (2011) "Introduction and a framework for Complex Engineering Service Systems", in Ng, I, Wild, P, Parry, G, McFarlane, D, and Tasker, P, (Eds) (2011), Complex Service Systems: Concepts & Research, Springer
Cuthbert, R, McFarlane, D, Neely, A, (2011) "The Impact of Contract Type on Service Provider Information Requirement", 'The Advances in Service Research' in International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET).
McFarlane, D, Cuthbert, R, (2012) "Modelling Information Requirements in Complex Engineering Services", Computers in Industry 63(4):349-360 Article number COMIND2336, May 2012
Robust Control System Design
McFarlane, D., Glover, K., "Robust Controller Design Using Normalised Coprime Factor Plant Descriptions", Springer Verlag, Berlin (1990).
Ober, R., McFarlane, D., "Balanced canonical forms for minimal systems: a normalised coprime factor approach", Linear Algebra and its Applications (1988).
Glover, K., McFarlane, D., "Robust stabilisation of normalised coprime factor plant descriptions with H-infinity bounded uncertainty", IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, v34, n8 (1989).
McFarlane, D., Glover, K., Vidyasagar, M., "Reduced order controller design using coprime factor model reduction", IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control (1990).
Glover, K., Sefton, J. and McFarlane, D. C., "A tutorial on loop shaping using H- infinity robust stabilisation". Trans. Inst. M & C Vol. 14 No. 3, (1992).
McFarlane, D., Glover, K., "A loop shaping design procedure using H-infinity synthesis", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, v37, n6, (1992).
Petersen, I.R. and McFarlane, D.C., "Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control and Filtering for Uncertain Linear Systems", IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control, v39, n9 (1994).
Petersen, I.R. and McFarlane, D.C., "Optimal Guaranteed Cost Filtering for Uncertain Linear Systems", Journal of Robust & Non Linear Control, v6, pp267-280 (1996).
Petersen, I.R., McFarlane, D.C., Rotea, M, "Optimal Quadratic Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Linear Systems", Journal of Robust & Non Linear Control, v8, n8, pp649-657 (1998)
Steel Mill Control
Stone, P, Day, E., McFarlane, D, "Computer control of a continuous annealing line", Australian J. Instrumentation & Control, (1988)
McFarlane, D., Stone, P., "Dynamic process modelling for tension control in a merchant bar rolling mill", in Proceedings of the 5th International Rolling Conference, London, UK (1990).
McFarlane, D., Stone, P., "Minimum tension in a merchant bar rolling mill using modern control techniques", in Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress, Tallinn, USSR (1990).
McFarlane, D., Bowles, A., Tsoi, A., MacNally, R., "Model Tuning using ANNs and related techniques", in Proc. of the IFAC MMM '92 Symposium, Beijing, China (1992).
Cheng, J.K.C., Stone, P.M. and McFarlane, D.C., "A Generalised Extended Kalman Filter and its Application to Steel Rolling Temperature Estimation", in Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, (1993)
McFarlane, D. and Elsley, G., "Model Tuning for Bar Mill Tension Control at BHP", in Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Congress, Sydney, (1993).
Hodgson, P, McFarlane, D, Gibbs, R, "The modelling of hot rolling: accuracy versus utility", in Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Modelling of Metal Rolling Processes, London, UK, (1993).
Moheimani, R., Stirling, D., Petersen, I, McFarlane, D., "Robust control of a Sendzimir Mill", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Industrial Applications, Glasgow, UK, (1994).
Agre, J, Elsley, McFarlane, D., Cheng, J., Gunn, B., "Holonic Control of a Water Cooling System for a Steel Rod Mill", Proceedings of Rensselaer's 4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology", April, 1994
McFarlane, D., Marett, B., Elsley, G., Jarvis, D., Wilbers, P., "Application of Holonic Methodologies to Problem Diagnosis in a Rod Mill Cooling Control System", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October, 1995.

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- Artificial Intelligence
- Asset Management
- Business Model Innovation
- Computer Aided Manufacturing
- Decision-Making for Emerging Technologies
- Design Management
- Digital Manufacturing
- Distributed Information & Automation Laboratory
- Fluids in Advanced Manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Industrial Photonics
- Industrial Resilience
- Industrial Sustainability
- Inkjet Research
- Innovation and Intellectual Property
- International Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Industry Education Research
- NanoManufacturing
- Science, Technology & Innovation Policy
- Strategy and Performance
- Technology Enterprise
- Technology Management
- Service Alliance
- University Commercialisation and Innovation Policy Evidence Unit