Technology and innovation policy

Staying ahead of the curve: Rethinking Innovation at Domino Printing
Industrial printing firm Domino Printing Sciences has been able to stay ahead of its competitors by rethinking its approach to innovation, using approaches and frameworks from the IfM.

The UK Innovation Report 2022
The UK Innovation Report 2022 benchmarks the UK’s industrial and innovation performance in a global context. It brings together innovation and value-added indicators in a concise and accessible format.

UK Marine Industries - Technology Roadmap 2015
The 2015 Marine Industries Technology Roadmap examines those parts of the industry building vessels or supplying equipment and services for the commercial, leisure, naval?and marine science sectors.

2020 has emphasised that industrial innovation is vital to Britain’s future
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought renewed attention to the importance of manufacturing. In order to ‘emerge stronger’ from the crisis, the UK must now act more strategically and harness industrial innovation to serve ambitious agendas for the economy and the environment.

ARIA and the value of challenge-led innovation
As the UK prepares to launch a new high-risk, high-reward research agency, Eoin O'Sullivan discusses what it can learn from the ARPA model in the US and globally, and why technology and innovation management is the key to success.

UK Innovation Report
The UK Innovation Report benchmarks the UK’s industrial and innovation performance in a global context. It brings together, for the first time in a single place, innovation and value-added indicators in a concise and accessible format.

The effects of COVID-19 on how universities contribute to innovation
This report – led by the new University Commercialisation and Innovation Policy Evidence Unit with support from the UK National Centre for Universities and Business – investigates the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the ability of universities to contribute to innovation through the crisis and into the economic recovery.

How manufacturing can emerge stronger: Policies to support industrial recovery and growth after COVID-19
This briefing note examines key policy instruments aimed at supporting the recovery and future growth of manufacturing industries in the wake of COVID-19.

UK supply chains: Learning the right lessons from COVID-19
Carlos López-Gómez addresses the myths surrounding the weakness of UK supply chains in the coronavirus crisis, and explains what must be done for UK supply chains to emerge stronger.

COVID-19 and the global contraction in FDI
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing massive disruptions to flows of foreign direct investment. Jostein Hauge and Adnan Seric explain why developing countries are likely to be hit the hardest.

COVID-19 critical supplies: The manufacturing repurposing challenge
Amid the COVID-19 emergency, policy makers are calling for manufacturing firms to temporarily repurpose their production to make critical supplies such as masks, ventilators and test kits. Building on a recent study from the Policy Links Unit, this article reviews some of the challenges involved in repurposing and potential ways to mitigate them.

COVID-19: International manufacturing policy responses
How are governments supporting manufacturing during the COVID-19 crisis? A new report from the IfM’s Policy Links Unit reviews the current responses of 11 countries and the EU, providing a snapshot of the international policy landscape.

The Nature, Location and Functioning of International Research Collaborations
A report exploring the structure, location, partner contributions, anticipated outcomes, and functioning of the collaborations UK manufacturing researchers have with international partners.

Emerging trends in global advanced manufacturing: challenges, opportunities and policy responses
In collaboration with UNIDO, this report provides an update on the megatrends and technological developments driving change in global advanced manufacturing, paying particular attention to the increasing digitalisation of manufacturing.

New industrial capabilities for new economic growth
The objective of this report is to inform policy efforts, aimed at promoting industrial innovation and competitiveness, by providing insights into international policy practices and approaches. The report discusses key concepts and definitions relevant to understanding the role of domestic suppliers in modern industries, reviews programmes and initiatives in selected countries, and suggests policy implications for the UK.

The next production revolution
As manufacturing becomes more complex, distributed and interdependent, policy makers around the world are looking for new ways to ensure national competitiveness for the so-called ‘next production revolution’.

Has manufacturing been underestimated?
How much does manufacturing really matter to the UK’s economic prosperity? A report prepared for the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, by Jostein Hauge and Eoin O’Sullivan.

The practical impact of digital manufacturing
Governments in a number of countries have made investments in digital manufacturing. Are there yet signs of resulting upturn in productivity, gross value added, or employment? A new report from Policy Links considers the evidence.

Digital manufacturing: opportunities and barriers
Dr Carlos López-Gómez and Dr David Leal-Ayala from the IfM’s Policy Links Unit discuss international evidence on the opportunities and barriers to capturing value from digital technologies in manufacturing.

Innovate Indonesia: Unlocking growth through technological transformation
This study, developed by the IfM's Policy Links Unit for Indonesia's Ministry of Finance and the Asian Development Bank, explores policy options to facilitate Indonesia’s technological transformation and unlock its economic growth potential.

Value of food & drink manufacturing to the UK
An ongoing demonstrable commitment to innovation and high-value production are key reasons why the UK's food and drink industry has emerged from recession in better shape than many other manufacturing sectors.

Understanding the landscape: High value manufacturing strategies for the regions
In 2011 the UK Government invited local authorities and businesses to set up Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), and gave them a remit to decide the investment priorities that will best support local business.

A landscape for the future of high value manufacturing in the UK
This study sets out to understand the global manufacturing context in which UK companies must compete and how that context is expected to evolve over the next 15-20 years.

Developing effective strategies for emerging technologies
Strategies for specific emerging technologies are being developed in the UK, USA, and Japan. A workshop exploring the ‘Lessons Learned and Emerging Practices’ from UK activities was hosted to inform future strategy development and the implications for policy makers.
UK-Germany workshop report on manufacturing and innovation policy
This workshop looked at the roles of national institutions in supporting innovation, taking examples from the ‘Digitisation of Manufacturing’ agenda.
UK-US report on manufacturing and innovation policy
Led by CSTI and the National Manufacturing Program Office and hosted at the White House, this UK-US workshop on manufacturing and innovation policy looked at practices and lessons from advanced manufacturing innovation institutes.

The future of High Value Manufacturing in the UK - Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical and Medical Device Sectors
This report follows on from a study into the future of High Value Manufacturing (HVM), in the UK commissioned by the Technology Strategy Board and published in February 2012.

Making smart specialisation smarter: an industrial-innovation system approach: the case of Agri-tech East
This report summarises a pilot project designed in collaboration with the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to explore new approaches to enhance the effectiveness of smart specialisation in UK regions.

UK-Japan workshop on manufacturing and industrial policy
This report summarises a workshop in which the Institute for Manufacturing took part, aimed at building closer links between industrialists, officials and academics involved with manufacturing in the UK and Japan. The event, held in Tokyo on 19 June, was jointly organised by the IfM, Science and Innovation Network (SIN) Japan and the University of Tokyo.

The Future UK Life Sciences Manufacturing Landscape
This report follows on from a study into the future of High Value Manufacturing (HVM) in the UK commissioned by the Technology Strategy Board and published in February 2012. One of the HVM study recommendations was that particular manufacturing sectors should be explored in greater depth. This report presents the findings from studies of the pharmaceutical and?biopharmaceutical sectors.

The Future of Manufacturing: A New Era of Opportunity
This report is intended for policy-makers, legislators, a wide range of business people, and the professionals and researchers whose interests relate to the manufacturing sector.

Role of Standardisation in support of Emerging Technologies
A Study for the Department of Business,?Innovation & Skills (BIS) and the British?Standards Institution (BSI).

Making It - Advanced Manufacturing in the Liverpool City Region to 2020
The Making It process has been led by the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership with support from the Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, BIS, Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and supporting LCR based companies.

Building strategic university-industry partnerships: lessons from the UK and US
A new report discussing key lessons and effective practices from UK and US experiences for building and nurturing effective and mutually beneficial strategic university-industry partnerships.

First International ST&I Policy Forum: Towards a New Industrial Structure Vision? Issues on Japan's Industrial Policy?
The International STI Policy Forums bring together researchers and policy makers from across the UK and beyond with a shared interest in manufacturing & industrial policy.

High Value Manufacturing Landscape 2016 Interim Report
Building on the 2012 High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Landscape published by the IfM, this new study looks at the UK's high value manufacturing landscape over the next 15 to 20 years.

Given in evidence
QUESTION: How do we get better at taking the research knowledge from our science and engineering base and turning it into technologies, industries and economic wealth?

Building Long Term Strategic University-Industry Partnerships Report
A new report from the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy have published a new report which sets out key lessons, insights and effective practices for developing and nurturing effective strategic university-industry partnerships (UISPs).

Anticipating Manufacturability Needs and Challenges to Support the Pathway to Impact
The first Pathways to Manufacturing Seminar?explored how manufacturability challenges affect the scale-up and industrialisation (pathway to impact) of technical research and development (R&D).

Industrial Pact for Yucatan
This study sets out to inform new strategies and initiatives aimed at supporting Yucatan?s industrial development. It draws upon a wide consultation with industry, academia and government as well as a structured review of the literature.

The Defence and Security Technology Competency Report: Collaboration and leverage towards the UK 2035 landscape
The work was commissioned to help inform development of MoD strategy for research and development in technology, in line with the direction set in the National Security through Technology White Paper (2012).

The Manufacturability Challenges of Emerging Technologies
This CSTI project 'Pathways to Manufacturing' aims to advance understanding of the manufacturability challenges faced when deploying a new technology at scale.

The Different Roles of Technology in Technological Emergence
These briefing notes are short summaries of some of the ongoing work being conducted in CSTI. They are developed to communicate some potentially useful concepts, observations and practices, particularly for the purpose of informing policy developers.
- 3D printing
- Advanced manufacturing
- Automation
- Big Data and the new analytics
- Business model innovation
- Business strategy & performance
- Business tools
- Design for transformation
- Developing people
- Digital manufacturing
- Ecosystem mapping
- Education
- Global supply chains
- Innovation and IP management
- Managing risk
- Manufacturing a better world
- Manufacturing matters
- Open Innovation
- Roadmapping
- Servitization
- Strategic asset management
- Sustainability
- Technology and innovation policy
- Technology management
- Healthcare