Business tools

Management tools and toolkits: the good, the bad and the ugly
Dr Clive Kerr and Dr Rob Phaal from the IfM's Centre for Technology Management (CTM) are looking at better ways to design and use management tools and toolkits.

Structured decision making in uncertain times: An IfM approach
Kate Willsher, COO of IfM Education and Consultancy Services, presents a rapid method developed at the Institute for Manufacturing to assess the opportunity and feasibility of new business initiatives.

Virtual workshops: Top tips for remote collaboration
IfM in-house facilitators Dr Imoh Ilevbare and Dr Diana Khripko share their experience and insights on how they design online workshops that achieve the desired outcomes for our partners.

Measuring What Matters - Manufacturing Performance Measurement
IfM's Head, Andy Neely, stresses the importance of measuring the right things.

A framework and methodology for developing business improvement tools
Dr Imoh Ilevbare, Product Manager for IfM Education and Consultancy Services, describes the IfM's approach to developing business tools and processes from cutting-edge research.
- 3D printing
- Advanced manufacturing
- Automation
- Big Data and the new analytics
- Business model innovation
- Business strategy & performance
- Business tools
- Design for transformation
- Developing people
- Digital manufacturing
- Ecosystem mapping
- Education
- Global supply chains
- Innovation and IP management
- Managing risk
- Manufacturing a better world
- Manufacturing matters
- Open Innovation
- Roadmapping
- Servitization
- Strategic asset management
- Sustainability
- Technology and innovation policy
- Technology management
- Healthcare