IT Architectures for Logistics Integration

This project aims to investigate how existing logistics-related information systems must evolve to address future logistics needs.

A new era for logistics?

  • Increased online shopping
  • The needs of individual customers must be fulfilled
  • Warehousing is growing in size and complexity to meet future strategic and operational needs of the supply chain


  • Mismatches between physical operations and IT systems
  • Integration between warehouse operations and transportation
  • Operational and IT requirements dealing with the challenges posed by B2C-like commerce

Addressing the Challenges

  • Develop the idea of an “Indefinite Information System” to manage uncertain and volatile data about physical warehousing operations.
  • Develop flexible and robust order management systems that take into account transportation plans, disruptions and updates
  • Develop a framework for what needs to be employed in terms of processes/business units/operations in logistics to support B2C-like commerce.

Direct engagement with the industrial partner to

  • Obtain a detailed view of operations and strategic challenges
  • Evaluation and testing of concepts/prototypes within the organisation
  • Handover/transition solutions to the organisation

Principal Investigator

Duncan McFarlane



Philip Woodall

Vaggelis Giannikas

Wenrong Lu

Gokcen Yilmaz


Project Partner

YH Global, China



James & James


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