Manufacturing Leadership

MET IIB builds on the foundation built in the third year, with a combination of modules introducing issues of strategic relevance to firms and modules that build on those in MET IIA.

MET IIB represents a substantial departure from the standard university timetable and approach. Modules and practical activities run in sequence, with a module typically lasting one week. Teaching in the modules is seminar based, to encourage interaction and participation. Industrial speakers supplement the theory, with examples from practice. Throughout the year, students get to apply the principles in project work, mostly in companies.



There are nine taught modules, as illustrated below. For more details on each module and examinations structure, click here.




Automation laboratory

The manufacturing systems and automation module is complemented by a Cambridge-based robotic assembly exercise, in which students work in teams of up to 10. For more information click here.


2023 Automation Laboratory Video


2022 Automation Laboratory Video


2014 Automation Laboratory Video


2013 Automation Laboratory Video


Industrial projects

Throughout the year, students apply the theory learnt in lectures on project work, often based in industry. This includes a short induction project, a two week industrial project, a 4 week industrial project and a 7 week individual ‘long’ project.


Overseas Research Project

The course concludes with a two-week Overseas Research Project, which is largely organised by the students. A theme and location are chosen which are of current importance to UK manufacturing. The tour visits up to about 30 companies and organisations in the chosen area. The students report their findings back to sponsors with a comprehensive written report.

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