IP roadmapping for strategic alignment
Developing an IP strategy can be a difficult task as there is hardly any established approach that supports this process. In this research, we are developing a novel approach to help organisations to develop their IP strategies.
The approach is based on the well-established and widely used roadmapping method. The tool aims to facilitate the development of an IP strategy through a structured, yet flexible process.
The result is a visible strategy that helps communication and consensus building among stakeholders. The process integrates different levels of strategy in order to increase the prospects for better decision-making in support of developing IP strategies.
This research contributes to a novel IP management tool focusing in particular on the challenges associated with the strategic alignment of IP strategy with overall corporate or business strategy.
The research is kindly supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC).
Project lead: Tianyi Wang
Related publications:
Wang, T., F. Tietze and R. Phaal (2018). Intellectual property strategy development through roadmapping. RnD Management Conference. Milan.
Wang, T., F. Tietze, R. Phaal and N. Athanassopoulou (2017). Roadmapping for Strategic Management of Intellectual Property. RnD Management Conference. Leuven, Belgium.