Working papers
IP Strategie for Green Innovations - An Analysis of European Inventor Awards
2020/01, January 2020
Pratheeba Vimalnath, Frank Tietze, Akriti Jain and Viola Prifti
Motives for Patent Pledges: A Qualitative Study
2019/11, December 2019
Jonas Fabian Ehrnsperger and Frank Tietze
Integrating Patent Management and R&D. An explorative analysis of the new product development process
2019/09, August 2019
Lilian Hardorp, Cihat Cengiz and Dr Frank Tietze
IP pledges, open IP or patent pools? Developing taxonomies in the thicket of terminologies
2019/07, February 2019
Jonas Fabian Ehrnsperger, Frank Tietze
Keywords: Intellectual property, IP pledge, Open IP, Licensing
A Literature Review on Technology Development Process (TDP) Models
2019/06, January 2019
Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze, Elizabeth O'Leary, Matt Shaw
Keywords: Technology Development Process Models, Literature Review
Technology Strategic Decision Making (SDM): an overview of decision theories, processes and methods
2019/05, January 2019
Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze
Keywords: Technology Strategic Decision Making, Literature review
Intellectual Property Analytics Decisions Support Tool (IPDST) for Early Stage Technology Decision Making
2019/01, January 2019
Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze, Alexandra Brintrup, Sam Deebe
Keywords: Intellectual Property Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Early Stage Technology, Strategic Decision Making
Exploring the Future of Patent Analytics: A Technology Roadmapping approach
2017/05, November 2017
Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze
Keywords: Patent analytics, Technology roadmapping, Patent data, Visualization, Data quality, Data interconnectedness
A Literature Review on the state-of-the-art on Intellectual Property Analytics (IPA)
2017/02, November 2017
Leonidas Aristodemou, Frank Tietze
Keywords: Literature review, intellectual property analytics
Ecosystem Strategy in Technology Licensing
2017/01, June 2017
Mingjin Guo, Xianwei Shi, Frank Tietze
Keywords: Licensing strategies, patents, complementors, ecosystems
Open IP strategies for enabling sustainability transitions
2016/10, December 2016
Jan Sternkopf, Frank Tietze, Elisabeth Eppinger and Pratheeba Vimalnath
Keywords: Open intellectual property, sustainability transitions, technology diffusion, Tesla Motors, Nutriset
To own or to use? How product service systems facilitate eco-innovation behavior
2016/04, June 2016
Frank Tietze, Erik Hansen
Keywords: Product Service System, servitization, innovation behavior, environmental externalities, ownership, corporate sustainability
IP strategies and policies for and against evergreening
2015/01, April 2015
Ove Granstrand, Frank Tietze
Keywords: Intellectual property, patent management, evergreening literature review