Research Papers and Book Chapters
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Pre-2000
- P. H. Cole and D. C. Ranasinghe, ed., Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2007.
Book Chapters
- D. C. Ranasinghe and P. H. Cole, "Tag Antenna Design Methodology", Handbook: Applications, Technology, Security and Privacy, CRC Press, accepted in May 2007.
- P. H. Cole and D. C. Ranasinghe, "Electromagnetic Coupling", Handbook: Applications, Technology, Security and Privacy, CRC Press, accepted in May 2007.
- D. C. Ranasinghe, Raja Goshal, Alf Grasso and P. H. Cole, "Lightweight Cryptography for Low Cost RFID: A new direction in cryptography", Handbook: Applications, Technology, Security and Privacy, CRC Press, accepted in May 2007.
- D. C Ranasinghe and P. H. Cole, "Networked RFID Systems" in P. H. Cole and D. C. Ranasinghe (ed.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2007.
- D. C Ranasinghe, Srinivas Devadas and P. H. Cole, "A Low Cost Solution to Cloning and Authentication Based on a Lightweight Primitive" in P. H. Cole and D. C. Ranasinghe (ed.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2007.
- D. C Ranasinghe, M. Harrison and P. H. Cole, "EPC Network Architecture" in P. H. Cole and D. C. Ranasinghe (ed.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2007.
- D. C Ranasinghe and P. H. Cole, "Addressing Insecurities and Violations of Privacy" in P. H. Cole and D. C. Ranasinghe (ed.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2007.
- D. C Ranasinghe and P. H. Cole, "An Evaluation Framework" in P. H. Cole and D. C. Ranasinghe (ed.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2007.
- D. C Ranasinghe, "Lightweight Cryptography for Low Cost RFID" in P. H. Cole and D. C. Ranasinghe (ed.), Networked RFID Systems and Lightweight Cryptography: Raising Barriers to Product Counterfeiting, Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2007.
- Béla Pátkai, Duncan McFarlane, J.K. Tar, Imre J. Rudas, From Cybernetics to Plectics: a Practical Approach to Systemic Enquiry in Engineering; in Springer book entitled "Intelligent Engineering Systems and Computational Cybernetics", Accepted for publication, estimated publishing date is in the autumn of 2007.
- Kelepouris, T., Pramatari, K., & Doukidis, G. 2007 , RFID-Enabled Traceability in the Food Supply Chain. Industrial Management and Data Systems, 107(2), 183 - 200.
- Kelepouris, T., Miliotis, P., & Pramatari, K. 2007, The impact of replenishment parameters and information sharing on the Bullwhip effect: a computational study. Computers & Operations Research, In press.
- József K. Tar, Imre J. Rudas, Béla Pátkai, Comparison of Fractional Robust and Fixed Point Transformations Based Adaptive Compensation of Dynamic Friction, International Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics (JACIII), Fuji Technological Press, Tokio, Japan. October 2007.
- Kulkarni A.G., McFarlane D.C., Parlikad A., Ralph D., "The Impact of RFID on Product Recovery Industry," Accepted for publication in Supply Chain
- Management: an International Journal, 2007
- Brintrup A., Ramsden J., Tiwari A., Ergonomic Chair Design by Fusing Qualitative and Quantitative Criteria using Interactive Genetic Algorithms, IEEE Transactions in Evolutionary Computing, Accepted for publication
- Brintrup A., Ramsden J., Tiwari A., An Interactive Genetic Algorithm Based Framework for Handling Qualitative Criteria in Design Optimization, Journal of Computers in Industry, Vol.58, No.3, April 2007, pp.279-291.
- Driouchi, T., Leseure, M., Bennett, D. (2008) "A Robustness Framework for Monitoring Real Options under Uncertainty", International Journal of Management Science (Omega), in press.
Conference Publications
- A System to Test the Performance of RFID-Tagged Objects H Mallinson, S Hodges, A Thorne paper presented at the International Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops at the SAINT Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, Jan 2007
- The Practical Feasibility of Using RFID in a Metal Environment Arora, Kanik; Mallinson, Hugo; Kulkarni, Anand; Brusey, James; McFarlane, Duncan; paper presented at IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Hong Kong, China, February 2007.
- Assessing and optimizing the range of UHF RFID to enable real-world pervasive computing applications Steve Hodges (Microsoft Research, UK); Alan Thorne (University of Cambridge, UK); Hugo Mallinson (University of Cambridge, UK); Christian Floerkemeier (ETH Zurich, CH) paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Toronto, Canada, May 2007
- Béla Pátkai, Imre J. Rudas, József K. Tar, From Systems to Plectics: the Challenge of Systemic Inquiry in Measurement, Modelling and Pedagogy, IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics (ICCC), Tallinn, Estonia, 2007
- Imre J. Rudas, József K. Tar, Béla Pátkai, Compensation of Dynamic Friction by a Fractional Order Robust Controller, IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics (ICCC), Tallinn, Estonia, 2007
- W. Covanich, D. McFarlane, J. Brusey, A. M. Farid "Integrating a New Machine into an Existing Manufacturing System by using Holonic Approach", 5th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Vienna, Austria, July 23-27, 2007
- W. Covanich, D. McFarlane, J. Brusey, A. M. Farid "Ready Configuration of Machines into an Existing Manufacturing System", International Conference on Agile Manufacturing, Durham, UK, July 9-11, 2007
- Parlikad, A.K., Folan, P., Mascolo, J., McFarlane, D.C., "Improving automobile parts recovery using product lifecycle information", International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, PLM' 07, Milan, May 2007.
- Parlikad, A.K., Theodorou, S., McFarlane, D.C., "Lifecycle information management: Key challenges", 2007 EU RFID Forum and 4th RFID Academic Convocation, Brussels, March 2007.
- Brintrup A., Loiodice S., Airfoil Design Optimisation using Interactive Multi-objective Genetic algorithms, iPROMS 2007, 2-11 July 2007
- Brintrup A., Hideyuki T., The Affect of User Interaction Mechanisms in Multi-objective IGA, Proc. of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007), 7-11 July 2007
Book Chapters
- Kelepouris, T., P. Miliotis, and W. Drakos, Simulating a supply chain: forecasting techniques, lead-times, safety stock and their impact on bullwhip effect and product fill rate, in Supply Chain Management and Logistics in South East Europe, S.C. Lenny Koh and P. Ketikidis, Editors. 2006.
Journal Publications
- Brintrup A., Ramsden J., Tiwari A., Evaluation of sequential, multi-objective, and parallel interactive genetic algorithms for multi-objective optimization problems, Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, Vol.6, September 2006, pp.137-146.
Conference Publications
- Kelepouris, T., Wong, C.Y., Farid,A.M., Parlikad,A.K., McFarlane,D.C. Towards a Reconfigurable Supply Network Model. in 2nd I*PROMS International Conference on Intelligent Production Machines and Systems. 2006
- P. Pennesi, M. Vaccarini, G. Conte, S. Longhi, "Learning Nonlinear MPC for Fast Computation Control", Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Fast Systems, Grenoble, France, October 9-11, 2006
- P. Pennesi, Y. Yu, I. Ch. Paschalidis, "Distributed Multi-Agent Actor-Critic Algorithms with Applications to Stochastic Path Finding Problems", 5th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, Toulouse, France, July 5-7, 2006
- P. Pennesi, G. Conte, I. Ch. Paschalidis, "Combining MPC and LD Analysis in Supply Chain Inventory Control", 14th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Ancona, Italy, June 28-30, 2006
- W. Covanich, D. McFarlane, J. Brusey "Physical Resource Coordination in Manufacturing Systems", 12th IFAC International Symposium, Saint-Etienne, France, 2006
- Parlikad, A.K.N., McFarlane, D.C., Kulkarni, A.G., "Improving Product Recovery Decisions through Enhanced Information," In Innovation in Life Cycle Engineering and Sustainable Development, Edited by Daniel Brissaud, Serge Tichkiewitch, and Peggy Zwolinski, Springer, 2006 .
- Brintrup A., Hideyuki T., Ramsden J., Evaluation of Sequential, Multi-objective, and Parallel Interactive Genetic Algorithms for Multi-objective Floor Plan Optimisation, Proc. of the EvoWorkshops, pp.586-598, 10-12 April 2006, Budapest-Hungary
- Brintrup A., Ramsden J., Tiwari A., A Review on Design Optimization with Interactive Evolutionary Computation, Proc. of the Online World Soft Computing Conference (WSC 10), Online Volume, 19 September -7 October 2006
- Driouchi, T. and Battisti, G. (2006) "Performance Implications of Real options in Multinational Corporations" Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Conference, Beijing, China, June.
- "Random numbers from metastability and thermal noise," D. C. Ranasinghe, D. Lim, S. Devadas, D. Abbott, P. H. Cole, IEE Electronic Letters, Vol. 41, Issue 16, pp. 11-12, 2005.
- "Networked RFID Systems in Product Recovery Management" A.G.Kulkarni, A.K.Parlikad, D.C.McFarlane In Proc. 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and the Environment & the IAER Electronics Recycling Summit, New Orleans, USA, May 2005.
- "Improving Product Recovery Decisions through Enhanced Information" A.K.Parlikad, D.C.McFarlane, A.G.Kulkarni In 12th CIRP Life-Cycle Engineering Seminar 2005, Grenoble, France, April 2005.
- D.McFarlane, V. Marik, P. Valckenaers, eds, Special Issue on Applications of Intelligent Industrial Control, IEEE Intelligent Systems, IEEE Computer Society, January/February 2005.
- "Industrial Adoption of Agent Based Technologies" V. Marik, D.C. McFarlane in IEEE Intelligent Systems, pp27-35, January/February 2005
- "Investigating The Role Of Product Information In End-Of-Life Decision Making" A. Parlikad, D.C. McFarlane to appear in Control Engineering Practice special issue on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing , 2005.
- "Intelligent Control in the Manufacturing Supply Chain" D.C. McFarlane, V. Marik, P. Valckenaers editorial in IEEE Intelligent Systems, pp24-26, January/February 2005
- "Reconfigurable Control of Chemical Process Operations" N. Chokshi, D.C. McFarlane submitted to J Intelligent Manufacturing, June, 2005 .
- "Towards Robust Part Tracking In An Automated Manufacturing Process Using RFID" J. Brusey, D.C. McFarlane In Proceedings Of IFAC World Congress, Prague , 2005
- "Evaluating Holonic Control Systems: A Case Study" J. Chirn, D.C. Mcfarlane In Proceedings Of IFAC World Congress, Prague , 2005
- "Networked Real-Time RFID In Industrial Control" W. Wang, D.C. Mcfarlane, J. Brusey To Appear, Proceedings Of ECRTS/RTN05, Palma De Mallorca, Spain 2005
- "Designing Communication Protocols for Holonic Control Devices using Elementary Nets" James Brusey and Duncan McFarlane In Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS 2005) , Copenhagen , Denmark .
- "Experiments toward a practical implementation of intelligent kanban system" James Zhang, James Brusey and Robert Johnston In Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. on Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS 2005), Copenhagen , Denmark .
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Pre-2000
- "Information management in the product lifecycle - The role of networked RFID" In 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN'04, June 2004, Berlin, Germany.
- "Implementing Industrial Multi-Agent Systems Using JACK" Rick Evertsz, Martyn Fletcher, Richard Jones, Jacquie Jarvis, James Brusey, and Sandy Dance In Programming Multi-Agent systems, LNAI 3067. Springer, 2004.
- "Towards a Methodology for Holonic Manufacturing Systems" At the International IMS Forum, Lake Como, Italy, May 2004.
- "Investigating the role of product information in End-of-Life decision making" In 11th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Brazil, April, 2004.
- "Adaptive Agent-Based Manufacturing Management Systems And Their Application To Flow Shop Control" Y. Peng, D.C McFarlane Journal of Production Planning and Control, v15, n4, 2004.
- "A Methodology for Robust Fault Detection in Dynamic Systems" I.R. Peterson and D.C. McFarlane Journal of Production Planning and Control, v15, n4, 2004.
- "RFID Data Capture and Its Impact on Retail Shelf Replenishment" C,Y, Wong, D.C. McFarlane Submitted to International Journal of Logistics, July, 2004.
- "Measuring Response Capabilities in the Order Fulfillment Process" A. Shaw, D.C. McFarlane, Y.S. Chang, P.J.G. Noury ICFAI Journal of Supply Chain Management, v1, n4, pp27-39, 2004
- "A Petri net compiler for Programmable Logic Controllers" J. Brusey, M. Fletcher, D.C. McFarlane, A. Thorne submitted to IEEE Trans Auto Contro l , September, 2004
- "Achieving Holonic Control using JACK TM Teams" J. Jarvis, R.Rönnquist , D. McFarlane, L. Jain Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, 2004.
- "Networked RFID In Industrial Control: Current And Future" D,C, Mcfarlane Keynote Presentation, In Proceedings Of Basys 2004, Vienna , (2004)
- "Supply Chain Management Using AUTO-ID Technology - Preparing For Real Time, Item Level Supply Chain Management, in Evolution of Supply Chain Managemen" Y. Chang, D.C. McFarlane, Book Chapter in Symbiosis of Adaptive Value Networks and ICT, Kluwer Academic Publisher, USA, 2004
- "The Concept and the Impact" S. Hodges, D.C. McFarlane Book Chapter in The Security Economy , OECD Publications, France, 2004
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Pre-2000
- "An Investigation of an Agent-Based Scheduling in Decentralised Manufacturing Control", MPhil Thesis, University of Cambridge, UK
- "Enhancing Identity with Location", MPhil Thesis, University of Cambridge, UK
- "Product Identity and Its Impact on Discrete Event Observability", ECC 2003, Cambridge, UK
- "Reasoning about Uncertainty in Location Identification with RFID", In Proc. IJCAI-03 Workshop on Reasoning with Uncertainty in Robotics, Acapulco, Mexico, 2003.
- "The Story of the Holonic Packing Cell", In Proc. 2nd Intl. Joint Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-03), ACM Press, Melbourne, Australia., 2003.
- "The Cambridge Packing Cell - A Holonic Enterprise Demonstrator", In Proc. 3rd International / Central and Eastern European conference on Multi-Agent Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, 2003.
- "The Divergence of Theoretical and Actual Designs in a Holonic Packing Cell", In Proc. 7th IFAC conference of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 2003.
- "Modelling and Reconfiguring Intelligent Holonic Manufacturing Systems with Internet-based Mobile Agents", M. Fletcher, R.W. Brennan and D.H. Norrie Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, volume 14, number 1, January 2003.
- "Evaluating the Holonic Packing Cell", M. Fletcher, D. McFarlane, A. Thorne, D. Jarvis, A. Lucas
- 1st International Conference on Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems (HoloMAS’03), Prague, Czech Republic, published by Springer-Verlag, LNAI 2744, September 2003.
- "The Cambridge Packing Cell: A Holonic Enterprise Demonstrator", M. Fletcher, D. McFarlane, A. Lucas, J. Brusey, D. Jarvis 3rd International / Central and Eastern European conference on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS’03), Prague, Czech Republic, June 2003.
- "The Divergence of Theoretical and Actual Designs in a Holonic Packing Cell", M. Fletcher, D. McFarlane, A. Lucas, J. Brusey, A. Thorne in 7th IFAC conference of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’03), Budapest, Hungary, April 2003.
- "The Impact of Auto-ID Technology in Material Handling Systemsl", A. Garcia, D. McFarlane, A. Thorne, M. Fletcher 7th IFAC conference of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’03), Budapest, Hungary, April 2003.
- "Simulation of Disassembly Network and Control of Material Flow by Agent Based Approach", Masters Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi,India and Production Technology Center, TU-Berlin, Germany,2003.
- "A Framework for Manufacturing Ramp-Up", PICMET 2003, Oregon, USA, 2003.
- "Novelty as Driver of Ramp-Up Manufacturing Performance: A Case Study", 1st Joint International Conference EurOMA POMS: One World? One view of OM? The Challenges of Integrating Research and Practice, Villa Erba, Cernobbio, Como Lake, Italy, 2003.
- "Think twice about Supply Chain integration", Supply Chain Summit, London, 2003.
- "Is it such a good idea to integrate your supply chain operations?", Logica Interaction Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2003.
- "Supply Chain Integration: Is it an illusion?", European Supply Chain Summit, Luzern, Switzerland, 2003.
- "Synchronising your Supply Chain to Supercharge Competitiveness.", Optimal Supply and Demand Chain Conference, Pretoria, 2003.
- "The Urge to Integrate", IEE Manufacturing Engineer, 82(4), 10-13, 2003.
- "Robust control of Quantum Information", Journal of Chemical Physics, 119 (19), 9993-10001, 2003.
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Pre-2000
- "Multidimensional Events in the Design and Management of Manufacturing Systems", 2002 Conference of Manufacturing Complexity Network, 2002.
- "Measuring Complex Systems", Seminar series London School of Economics - complexity group, London, 2002.
- "The Management of Complexity in Manufacturing. Business Intelligence", Book - ISBN: 1898085366, 1st Edition 1998, Latest Edition: April 2002
- "Tackling Complexity, the ideas that make a difference",
- "An information-theoretic methodology for measuring the operational complexity of supplier-customer systems", International Journal of Operations and production management Vol 22 pp80, 101, 2002
- "A simulation study on Supply Chain complexity in Manufacturing Industry", Proceeding of 2002 conference of Manufacturing Complexity Network. pp239 - 247, 2002
- "Material Flow Analysis of Public Logistics Networks" Presented at the 7th International Material Handling Research Colloquium, Portland, ME, USA, June 1-5, 2002
- "Performance Analysis of Intelligent Supply Chain Networks" Masters Thesis, Department of Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 2002
- "The Intelligent Product in Manufacturing Control" Journal of EAIA, July 2002
- "The Intelligent Product Driven Supply Chain", C.Y. Wong, D. McFarlane, A. Ahmad Zaharudin, V. Agarwal, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (published 6 October 2002)
- "Rationales for Holonic Manufacturing Systems in Chemical Process Industries" Book chapter in V. Marik Eds. : Multi-Agent Systems and Application II, Lecture Notes in AI 2322, Springer Verlag.
- "Holonic Production Control to Support Mass Customisation", Extended Abstract submitted to Journal of Production Planning and Control, special issue on Mass Customisation, October 2002
- "Measuring Response Capabilities in the Order Fulfillment Process", Euroma 2002 conference, 2002
- "A Responsive Audit for Production and Order fulfillment Process", IJOPM 2002
- "Compensation of Incoherent Errors in the Precise Implementation of Effective Hamiltonians for Quantum Information Processing" Masters Thesis. MIT Mechanical Enginering May 2002.
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Pre-2000
- "Managing Complexity in Product Development", (invited paper) Presentation to First joint IEEE/IEE Internet Conference - sponsored by the Florida Institute of Technology, 2001
- "Minimising the Number of Tool Switches on a Flexible Machine: An Experimental Study", Proceedings of the Institution for Mechanical Engineers, 253-261, 2001
- "Business Strategy - Do SMEs Face Special Problems? ", 4th SMESME International Conference, Aalborg University, Denmark, 128-134, 2001
- "An entropic measurement of queueing behaviour in a class of manufacturing operations", Proceedings of the Royal Society Series A 457 1579-1601, 2001
- "Rationales for Holonic Manufacturing Systems in Chemical Process Industries", HoloMas Workshop, Proceedings of DEXA Conference, Germany, September, 2001
- "Building Holonic Systems in Today's Factories: A Migration Strategy", JASS Special Issue on Holonic and Multi Agent Sytems, (2001).
- "Implementing a Sentient Computing System", IEEE Computer Magazine, August 2001.
- "Pervasive adaptation for mobile computing", In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Networking, IEEE Computer Society Press, Februrary 2001.
- "A Production Responsiveness Audit",
- POMS November 2001
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Pre-2000
- "Tip-Sample Contact Lateral Forces in Tapping and Contact Mode Operation of the Atomic Force Microscope." Bachelors Thesis. MIT Mechanical Enginering May 2000.
- "Complexity and the Impact of Introducing New Products", Proceedings. Complexity and Complex Systems in Industry pp247-259, 2000
- "Complex Systems theory: implications and promises for manufacturing organisations", (invited paper) Int J Manufacturing Technology and Management Vol 2 Nos 1-7 pp 559-579, 2000
- "The use of complexity measures in supply chains", Performance Measurement - Past, Present and Future pp161-168. Centre for Business Performance, Cranfield University, 2000
- "Application of a holonic component-based architecture for the control of a robot assembly cell." Proceedings of IEEE Robotics and Automation, San Francisco. (2000)
- "Development of Algorithms for Agent-based Control of Manufacturing Flow Shops", In Proceedings Of ASI 2000 (2000)
- "Distributed Coordination of Steel-Making Operations for Reduced Production Stoppages", Proceedings of MCPL’00, France, (2000)
- "Emergent Flow Shop Control Based On Mascada Agents", Proceedings Of MIM 2000 (2000)
- "Hierarchy in Distributed Shop-Floor Control", Computers in Industry, v43, n2, pp123-137, (2000)
- "A holonic component-based approach to reconfigurable manufacturing control architectures." To appear in Proceedings of HoloMAS'00, London, UK. (2000)
- "A Methodology for Robust Fault Detection in Dynamic Systems", To appear, Control Engineering Practice, (2000)
- "Petri Nets Based Design Of Ladder Logic Diagrams" To appear in Proceedings of Control 2000, Cambridge, UK. (2000)
- "State of the Art of Holonic Systems in Production Planning and Control", Production Planning and Control, v11, n6, pp522-536, (2000)
- "Automatic Development of Robot Behaviour using Monte Carlo Methods", In PRICAI'00, Melbourne, Australia, 2000.
- "RMIT United", Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Robocup, Melbourne, Australia, August 2000.
2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Pre-2000
- "The Measurement of Complexity", G. Frizelle Presented at Manufacturing Complexity Network Meeting, University of Warwick, 1999
- "Assessing the impact of new products on the Factory", Proceedings 5th International Conference on Factory 2000, Cambridge, 1997
- "Complexity in the production process: to what extent is this a barrier to synchronous production?",
- Proceedings of Synchronous Production in FMCG conference. London (Invited paper) ,1997
- "Measuring the Complexity of your Production Processes.", (invited paper) Managing and Optimising Production Capacity, 1998
- "Management of Complexity in Manufacturing", (keynote paper) World Manufacturing Congress. University of Durham,. ISCS Canada/Switzerland, 1999
- "Getting the measure of complexity", Manufacturing Engineer Vol 75 No 6, 1996
- "Information Complexity as a Driver of Emergent Phenomena in a Business Community", Proceedings of International Workshop on Emergent Synthesis, University of Kobe. Japan, 1999
- "Information complexity as a determining factor in the evolution of supply chains", Proceedings of International Workshop on Emergent Synthesis, University of Kobe, Japan, 1999
- "Supply Chain Management:- Current Practices in Other Industries", (Invited paper) CICA annual conference. Downing College Cambridge, 1999
- Assessing and Improving The Responsiveness of Manufacturing production Systems Proceedings of IEE Workshop on Mass Customisation (Invited Paper), London, 1999.
- "Assessing the Responsiveness of Existing Production Operations",
- International Journal of Operations and Production Management, v19, n8, pp765-784 (1999)
- "A Steel-making Co-ordination Strategy", Technical Report CUED/E-MANUF/TR.7, May 1999
- "Distributed Co-ordination and Control of Steel-making Operations: Problem Formulation, System Modelling and Simulation", Poster presented at HSC’99, Nijmegen, March 1999
- "Evaluating and Improving Production Responsiveness - A Control Systems Perspective", Proceedings of ASI 99, Leuven, Belgium (1999)
- "A holonic component-based architecture for manufacturing control systems", Proceedings of MAS'99, Vienna, Austria. (1999)
- "A Methodology for Process Fault Detection", Proceedings of CDC, Phoenix, USA, February 1999
- "Persistent Agents for Manufacturing Information Systems", Proceedings of CAiSE'99, Seattle, USA, (1999)
- "Rationales for Holonic Control Systems", Proceedings of IMS'99, Leuven, Belgium, February 1999
- "RMIT Raiders", IJCAI-99 Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Robocup, Stockholm, Sweden, July 1999.
- "Techniques for obtaining robust, real-time, colour-based vision for robotics", J. Brusey, and L. Padgham, IJCAI-99 Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Robocup, Stockholm, Sweden, July 1999.
- "An Adaptive thin-client robot control architecture", In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on real-time computing systems and applications, Hong Kong, December 1999.
- "Disturbance Measurement in Manufacturing Production Systems", Proceedings of ASI, 98, Bremen, Germany (1998)
- "Hierarchy In Distributed Shop-Floor Control", Proceedings of IMS-EUROPE 1998, Lausanne, Switzerland, (1998)
- "Manufacturing Goal Decomposition As A Means Of Structuring Co-Operative Control Systems,
- Proceedings of IMS-EUROPE 1998, Lausanne, Switzerland, (1998)
- "Manufacturing Responsiveness in the Face of Market Change and Uncertainty," DTI - OSTEMs Report, (1998)
- "Modeling And Design Methodologies For Adaptive Manufacturing", Proceedings of IMS-EUROPE 1998, Lausanne, Switzerland, (1998)
- "Modular Distributed Manufacturing Systems And The Implications For Integrated Control", IEE Colloquium On Choosing The Right Control Structure, London, UK (1998)
- "Modularity in Production Systems - An approach to system design for a turbulent future", DTI - OSTEMs Report, (1998)
- "Non Standard Applications of SPC within the Sugar Industry", Proceedings of Control 98, Swansea, September 1998
- "Optimal Quadratic Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Linear Systems", Journal of Robust & Non Linear Control, v8, n8, pp649-657 (1998)
- "Tools for Assessing the Responsiveness of Existing Production Operations", Proceedings of IEE Workshop on Responsiveness in Manufacturing, London, UK, February 1998
- "Building and integrating a goalkeeper robot for the small-size RoboCup competition", In Proceedings of the RoboCup Workshop, 5th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Singapore, November 1998, pp. 145-154.
- "CURF: Cambridge University Robot Football Team", RoboCup-98 Proceedings, pp. 503-510, 1998.
- "Petri Net Based System Design and Diagnosis for an Assembly Cell", Proceedings of Safe Process 97, Hull, UK, 1997
- "Responsiveness as a Criterion in Control System Design", presented in ESPRIT IMS Workshop, Porto, Portugal, 1997
- "A Robust Approach to Dynamic Statistical Process Control", Proceedings of 1996 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, December 1996
- "A simplified approach to guaranteed cost LQG control", Proceedings of International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, San Francisco, June 1996
- "Application of Holonic Methodologies to Problem Diagnosis in a Rod Mill Cooling Control System",
- Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 1995.
- "Holonic Manufacturing Systems in Continuous Processing: Concepts and Control Requirements", Proceedings of ASI ‘95, Portugal, June, 1995
- "Holonic Control of a Water Cooling System for a Steel Rod Mill", J. Agre, Elsley, D. C. McFarlane, J. Cheng, B. Gunn, Proceedings of Rensselaer's 4th International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology", April 1994
- "Optimal Guaranteed Cost Filtering for Uncertain Discrete Time Linear Systems", Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Robust Control, Rio De Janiero, Brazil, June, 1994
- "System design issues for integrated diagnostics", Proceedings of ASI ‘95, Portugal, June, 1995
- "Looking for a better robot: visual robot control for cheap, flexible assembly", In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, pp. 707-711, Edinburgh, U.K., July 1995. IEE.
- "Look and learn: Towards cheap, flexible robots", In Okyay Kaynak, Mehmed Ozkan, Nurdan Bekirogulu, and Ilker Tunay, editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, volume 2, pp. 601-606, August 1995.
- "Uncalibrated stereo vision for PCB manufacture" In R. Thomas, editor, IEE Colloquium on "The application of machine vision". IEE, May 1995.
- "Looking for a cheaper robot: Visual feedback for automated PCB manufacture", PhD thesis, Cambridge University Engineering Department, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, U.K., 1996.
- "A new approach to spatial filtering for faster image processing", Technical Report CUED/F-INFENG/TR.245, Cambridge University Engineering Department, Cambridge, U.K., January 1996.
- "Fast multi-resolution image processing for PCB assembly" In F. Deravi, editor, IEE Colloquium on "Multi-resolution modelling and analysis in image processing and computer vision". IEE, April 1995.
- "Towards the interactive office. In Human Factors in Computing Systems"
- CHI Conference Companion, pages 305-306. ACM Press, April 1994.
- "A VLSI design management environment" In J. Ainscough, editor, IEE Colloquium on "Design management environments in CAD". IEE, January 1991.