Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium 2023
Wednesday 1 November 2023This year's Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium took place under the banner of 'Architecting New Design Rules for Global Supply Chains in a Changing Geopolitical Landscape' on 21-22 September.
IfM plugs into new Made Smarter investments in smart manufacturing
Tuesday 27 July 2021The institute is working across projects in connected factories and healthcare innovation, partnering with government, industry, catapults and academia.
Call for interest: Exploring the impact of supply chain disruptions on food digital platforms
Monday 1 June 2020This research seeks to explore and evaluate the contributions digital platform organisations offer evolving food supply chains during extreme disruption with relevance given to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Interview with Dr Jag Srai, newly appointed Co-Chair of Cambridge Global Food Security
Wednesday 27 March 2019Dr Jag Srai has been appointed as the new Co-Chair of the Cambridge Global Food Security Interdisciplinary Research Centre, replacing Professor Chris Gilligan.
CIM Symposium 2018: The impact of advanced technologies on supply chains
Monday 15 October 2018A packed programme at the 22nd Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium featured keynote talks from senior executives and thought leaders.
Transforming medicines manufacturing: REMEDIES partners meeting
Wednesday 14 March 2018ReMediES partners meet at the IfM to report on progress as this phase of the project nears completion.
New framework for modelling pharmaceutical supply chains
Tuesday 27 February 2018In an article for Pharma Horizon, Dr Ettore Settanni and Dr Jag Srai propose a groundbreaking new framework for modelling supply chains in the pharmaceutical sector.
Dr Jag Srai talks about digital supply chains for the World Economic Forum
Monday 15 January 2018Dr Srai has written a blog, been interviewed for a podcast and guest edited the World Economic Forum's Agenda Weekly Expert Edition, sharing insights on digital supply chains with WEF's community of experts.
A new form of globalisation and what it means for supply chains
Wednesday 15 November 2017In an article for The Manufacturer, Dr Jag Srai, Head of the IfM's Centre for International Manufacturing, considers how globalisation may be changing and what that means for global supply chains.
Globalisation revisited at the Cambridge International Symposium 2017
Wednesday 4 October 2017Senior industrialists, policymakers and academics came together for the annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, to discuss emerging trends in global manufacturing.
Reducing food waste is key to food security: an interview with Dr Mukesh Kumar
Thursday 3 August 2017Dr Mukesh Kumar talks about his work on food security as part of the Cambridge Global Food Security Strategic Research Initiative.
Transforming Indian agriculture: IfM key partner in tackling major global challenge
Friday 21 July 2017The IfM’s Centre for International Manufacturing is part of the Cambridge team working with Indian scientists to bring about a second Green Revolution. This project is one of two Cambridge-led research collaborations that have been awarded almost £15 million in funding.
Take your medicine
Monday 19 June 2017Dr Jag Srai talks about the future of pharmaceutical supply chains in the latest issue of the University of Cambridge's research magazine, Research Horizons.
Thought for food
Thursday 18 May 2017Dr Mukesh Kumar leads research in supply chain resilience at the IfM. He describes how his work is helping to tackle one of this century’s most important challenges: food safety.
Transforming supply chains through digitalisation
Wednesday 19 April 2017Dr Jag Srai discusses how companies can take practical steps toward the digitalisation of their operations and supply chains in the latest issue of The Manufacturer.
The importance of standards in a digital world
Thursday 8 December 2016IfM has just published a report, commissioned by BSI (British Standards Institute), which looks at the challenges for UK manufacturers of ‘going digital’ – and how standards and good practice can help the UK benefit from the digital revolution.
IfM key partner in new manufacturing research hub
Wednesday 7 December 2016The IfM is part of a new research hub to transform the way medicines and other high value materials are made.
How bright is your digital future?
Thursday 24 November 2016Dr Jag Srai, Head of the IfM’s Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM), and his team have developed a new way to help companies embrace the challenges and opportunities of digitalising the extended supply chain.
How we get what we want
Monday 1 August 2016Jag Srai, Head of CIM, gives Cambridge Business magazine an insight into what the IfM is doing to address the challenges involved in the modern supply chain.
Digital supply chains: Jag Srai takes part in The Economist Manufacturing Forum
Monday 4 July 2016Dr Jag Srai, Head of the IfM's Centre for International Manufacturing, was a panellist at The Economist's Manufacturing Forum.
Inventing the wheel
Friday 13 May 2016Jag Srai, Head of the IfM’s Centre for International Manufacturing, took part in The Forum, a recent BBC World Service programme discussing the history of the wheel and its twenty-first century uses in modern logistics and performance art.
What's new at the IfM - December - Latest from the Centre for International Manufacturing
Tuesday 1 December 2015These are interesting times for global manufacturers. At our recent annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, we learnt first-hand from companies such as Cisco, Jaguar Land Rover and Schneider Electric about the radical transformations they are undergoing as they move towards increasingly connected, smarter, digitally-enabled supply chains.
Pharma Integrates 2015 - Video from Panel Session with Dr Jag Srai
Friday 27 November 2015Watch the video with Dr Jag Srai from the panel session at Pharma Integrates 2015 on the topoc of Advanced Manufacturing – Moving the Contracting Relationships On?
Watch the interview with Dr Jag Srai on Cambridge TV
Wednesday 11 November 2015Dr Jag Srai from the Centre for International Manufacturing at the IfM has recently taken part in an interview for Cambridge TV.
Connecting the unconnected: New thinking on next generation supply chains
Friday 30 October 2015As the annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium marks its twentieth year Dr Tomás Harrington, Dr Jag Srai and Paul Christodoulou from the IfM’s Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM) reflect on the new supply chain thinking that is emerging from companies such as Cisco, Coca-Cola, Jaguar Land Rover, Johnson Matthey, Cambridge University Press and Schneider Electric.
Keeping the supply chain flowing
Thursday 8 October 2015In this age of rapid and escalating change, what can businesses do to flourish? Take a look at their supply chains, say researchers in the Centre for International Manufacturing, part of the IfM, based on their research in the UK and India.
Remedies Partners' Meeting
Wednesday 23 September 2015Following the recent release of capital spend and funds for recruitment, a full Remedies consortium partner meeting was held at the IfM Cambridge to review progress on individual project workstreams and agree forward plans.
Job Opportunities at the Centre for International Manufacturing
Friday 18 September 2015The Centre for International Manufacturing is now hiring for Research Assistants/Associates.
IfM work on UK pharmaceutical supply chains scales up as project moves into next phase
Tuesday 25 August 2015£11.2m of government funding for the REMEDIES (RE-configuring MEDIcines End-to-end Supply) project has been approved, meaning work on the project can accelerate into its next phase.
Mukesh Kumar Podcast from the - UK-India food supply chains: sustainability and food security conference
Monday 13 July 2015Listen now to the podcast of Dr Mukesh Kumar Podcast from the UK-India food supply chains: sustainability and food security conference.
IfM Briefing Day 2015
Friday 15 May 2015On 14 May, the IfM held its annual Briefing Day – attended by more than 150 senior industrialists and policymakers who heard about the IfM’s latest research and the work it is doing with industry and government.
Supply chain risk and resilience for multinational corporations
Tuesday 21 April 2015Dr Mukesh Kumar shares research and guidance from the Centre for International Manufacturing which can help multinational companies manage their supply network risk more efficiently.
New UK-India project investigates impact of food processing on supply chain sustainability
Wednesday 11 March 2015The Centre for International Manufacturing has secured a grant for their new project: ‘Exploring impact of food processing on the sustainability of food supply chains – a UK-India bilateral analysis’.
The lost art of risk management
Thursday 11 December 2014Dr Mukesh Kumar from the Centre for International Manufacturing suggests that multinational manufacturers are taking unnecessary risks with their industrial investments – and he offers a solution.
UK-India Manufacturing Policy Roundtable summary report now available
Tuesday 22 July 2014The UK-India Manufacturing Policy Roundtable, organised by the IfM and UK Science and Innovation Network (SIN), was held in April in New Delhi, India.
Twenty-first century supply chains: Transforming the pharmaceutical industry
Tuesday 1 July 2014The Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM) is leading the research programme in REMEDIES, a £23m sector-wide initiative to understand how pharmaceutical supply chains in the UK are set to change.
Highly commended papers made freely available by journal publishers for a month
Thursday 1 May 2014Two highly commended papers by IfM authors have been made freely available for a month by the publishers of the journals in which they feature.
New report on the latest trends in the globalisation of manufacturing
Monday 14 April 2014Capturing value from global networks, published on April 14 by the IfM, describes a set of approaches developed by IfM researchers and put into practice with a range of leading manufacturers to help them effectively design and manage their global networks.
Joint UK-India research programme launched to develop sustainable supply networks
Wednesday 9 April 2014Research partners from the UK and India came together in Delhi on April 9 to launch a programme aimed at developing sustainable global supply networks.
IfM to lead research in £23m project to reconfigure UK pharma supply chains
Friday 21 March 2014The IfM will lead research into a £23m collaborative project on reconfiguring UK pharmaceutical supply chains.
Redefining 21st Century Supply Chains
Wednesday 6 November 2013The globalization of manufacturing has radically transformed how supply chains are built. As a result, tomorrow's supply networks will need to be more strategic, resilient, sustainable, and customer-focused.
Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM) - research in sustainable supply networks
Friday 19 April 2013CIM has recently been awarded two major grants in the area of sustainable supply networks. This month it has also had an article published in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture.
IfM receives UK-India Advanced Manufacturing Research Grant of around £1 million
Wednesday 10 April 2013The Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM) has won a major new grant from EPSRC and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of India for the project 'Engineering Driven Sustainable Supply Networks - A UK/India Collaborative Study'.
IfM trains first cohort of students from new Doctoral Training Centre
Wednesday 6 February 2013The IfM's Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM) has delivered a week of training to the first cohort of students from the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) in Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation (CMAC).
Low cost suppliers from China and India are not necessarily the answer IfM expert tells conference
Tuesday 22 April 2008Many firms are failing to establish effective global production networks and rely too heavily on short-term outsourcing and offshoring to countries such as India and China.
New IfM guide warns that 'offshoring' and 'lean thinking' are not sufficient to guarantee futures of major manufacturers
Monday 3 December 2007Many of the world's biggest manufacturing firms could be missing out on "breathtaking" benefits because their production networks are not designed to suit 21st century demands.
European Manufacturing Strategies Summit, Germany, October 9th & 10th 2006
Friday 1 September 2006The European Manufacturing Strategies Summit (EMS Summit) will take place in Düsseldorf, Germany, on October 9th and 10th.
IfM announces launch of Global Manufacturing Networks Forum
Tuesday 20 September 2005The IfM announced it will be launching the Global Manufacturing Networks Forum in January 2006.
CIM Symposium - Major multi-nationals explore global restructuring
Tuesday 5 October 2004Senior executives from leading multi-nationals attended the first day of the recent CIM Symposium at Jesus College.
Senior Executives from Central and Eastern Europe lead Cambridge University workshop on manufacturing in the region
Thursday 30 October 2003Senior executives from leading companies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are speaking today at a workshop 'Making it in Central and Eastern Europe'.