CIM Symposium 2018: The impact of advanced technologies on supply chains
Monday 15 October 2018A packed programme at the 22nd Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium featured keynote talks from senior executives and thought leaders.
Transforming medicines manufacturing: REMEDIES partners meeting
Wednesday 14 March 2018ReMediES partners meet at the IfM to report on progress as this phase of the project nears completion.
New framework for modelling pharmaceutical supply chains
Tuesday 27 February 2018In an article for Pharma Horizon, Dr Ettore Settanni and Dr Jag Srai propose a groundbreaking new framework for modelling supply chains in the pharmaceutical sector.
Dr Jag Srai talks about digital supply chains for the World Economic Forum
Monday 15 January 2018Dr Srai has written a blog, been interviewed for a podcast and guest edited the World Economic Forum's Agenda Weekly Expert Edition, sharing insights on digital supply chains with WEF's community of experts.