IfM Review Issue 9: Collaborations that make a difference

In Issue 9 of IfM Review we share insights into exciting examples of recent collaborative projects across the IfM.
Articles include a feature with Dr Ronan Daly about the recent acquisition of Orion NanoFab, an exceptionally sophisticated microscope which will provide researchers across Cambridge and beyond with a capability to achieve strides forward in their work. We also feature a major 4-year collaborative project, ReMediES, led by Dr Jag Srai with 22 industrial partners in the UK pharmaceutical sector.
You’ll find further articles on ecosystem mapping, IP strategy, describing skills, open innovation, and more.
We hope you enjoy this issue. As always, we welcome your thoughts and comments, and we look forward to hearing from you to help us build future collaborations.
Best wishes,
Tim Minshall
Dr John C Taylor Professor of Innovation, & Head of the Institute for Manufacturing
Reading the IfM Review
You can read the IfM Review by clicking on the individual articles listed below, downloading the pdf [2MB] of the magazine or viewing on ISSUU via the link at the bottom of this page.
Collaboration as the best medicine
Dr Jag Srai explains how ReMediES, a 23-million funded, 4-year project has forged a new model for cross-sector collaboration in UK medicines manufacturing. As the project concludes, he describes some of the innovations it has delivered.
Developing technology experts as leaders
Find out how IfM’s Executive & Professional Development (EPD) team, in partnership with Atos and Paderborn University, has developed an award-winning programme to develop technology experts as business leaders.
Digital manufacturing on a shoestring
Professor Duncan McFarlane introduces a new research project into low-cost digital solutions for manufacturing SMEs.
Nanoscale precision with international reach
Dr Ronan Daly explains why the Orion NanoFab, an exceptionally powerful microscope newly acquired by Cambridge, offers the potential to enable important advances in research across a range of disciplines.
Describing skills: The art of the specific
To acquire and develop a skill, we first need to unpick and describe what it involves more closely. But describing a skill is more challenging that we might expect. Dr Judith Shawcross from the IfM explains some insights from her research into this.
Unlocking ideas through open innovation
The companies most likely to thrive in today’s global business environment are those who are able to innovate effectively. Dominic Oughton explains why Open Innovation is a compelling strategy for businesses in the FMCG sector and beyond…
Making connections: How TfL is mapping relationships for better results
Dr Florian Urmetzer explains how Transport for London has used ecosystem mapping to identify relationships and value exchanges for better results in planning a large infrastructure project.
Intellectual property challenges for the digital economy
As manufacturers transition into digitally driven business models, there are significant implications for intellectual property. Dr Frank Tietze considers five challenges and strategies to address them.
Student insights: Can haptic gloves make it easier to learn a skill?
Graduate student Ben Proyer has been part of an IfM research team testing the effectiveness of wearable technologies for industrial skills development. He shares his perspective on the project.