From co-production to co-creation (CoCo)

Researcher: Krista Keränen


Service logic is grounded in a commitment to collaborative processes and co-creation of value with customers, partners, and employees. In this research, co-creation means collaboration in the creation of value through shared inventiveness, design, and other activities, whereas co-production is more narrowly defined as participation in service production within parameters defined by the focal organisation. This research project aims to identify co-production/co-creation activities and roles in B-to-B (Business to Business) service relationships and to develop models and management tools for effective and efficient co-creation of services. In addition to creating new scientific knowledge, an important aim of the project is to develop service design methods and a virtual platform for co-creation to be applied in companies offering B-to-B services.


The research project consists of four work packages. The first work package (WP 1) is a start up package which includes specifying the research agenda and the collaborating with VTT and the participating companies. The second work package (WP 2) focuses on identifying the current status of co-production/co-creation in business relationships in the participating KIBS (Knowledge Intensive Business Services) and trade companies. Based on the WP 2, in the third work package models and managerial tools (WP 3a) and a virtual platform (WP 3b) for co-creation will be developed together with the participating companies. Work package 4 (WP 4) focuses on disseminating the managerial tools and the virtual platform to other companies as well as the research results to international scientific communities. The project will be carried out in a close relation with the Laurea University of Applied Sciences and the VTT-Technical Research Centre of Finland. It is funded by the Tekes - Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation.


If you would like to get more information on this project, please contact Krista Keränen 

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