Publications 1988-1995

Platts, K. W. (1995). "Integrated Manufacturing : A Strategic Approach." Integrated Manufacturing Systems 6(3): 18-23.

Neely, A. D., A. H. Richards, J. F. Mills and K. W. Platts (1995). What makes a good performance measure? Management and New Production Systems:  Papers from the 2nd International Conference of the European Operations Management Association, University of Twente, Netherlands.

Neely, A. D., J. F. Mills, A. H. Richards, K. W. Platts, M. J. Gregory and M. C. S. Bourne (1995). "Getting the Measure of your Business - a Process-Based Approach." Presented to the Foundation for Manufacturing and Industry.

Neely, A. D., M. J. Gregory and K. W. Platts (1995). "Performance Measurement System Design: A Literature Review and Research Agenda." International  Journal of Operations and Production Management 15(4): 80-116.

Mills, J. F., K. W. Platts and M. J. Gregory (1995). "A Framework For The Design Of Manufacturing Strategy Processes: Toward a Contingency Approach." International Journal Of Operations And Production Management 15(4): 17-49.

Mills, J. F. and G. S. Gardiner (1995). What's in a strategy? Toward a common language for the strategic alignment of technical functions. IAMOT European Conference on Management of Technology, Aston University.

Frizelle, G. D. M. and E. Woodcock (1995). The Application of Complexity Theory to Improve Factory Performance. O R Conference, Canterbury, Canterbury.

Frizelle, G. D. M. and E. Woodcock (1995). "Measuring Complexity as an Aid to Developing Operational Strategy." International Journal of Operations and Production Management 15(5): 26-39.

Platts, K. W., J. F. Mills, A. D. Neely, M. J. Gregory and A. H. Richards (1994). Evaluating Manufacturing Strategy Formulation Processes. 8th International Working Seminar on Production Economics,, Austria.

Platts, K. W., M. J. Gregory and A. D. Neely (1994). Operations Strategy and Performance:  Proceedings of the 1st European Operations Management Association Conference. Cambridge.

Platts, K. W. (1994). A Strategic Approach to Integrated Manufacturing. International Conference on Managing Integrated Manufacturing, Keele.

Platts, K. W. (1994). "Characteristics of Methodologies for Manufacturing Strategy Formulation." Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 7(2): 93-99.

Neely, A. D., J. F. Mills, K. W. Platts, M. J. Gregory and A. H. Richards (1994). Mapping Measures and Activities: A Practical Tool for Assessing Measurement Systems. Operations Strategy and Performance: Proceedings of the 1st European Operations Management Association Conference.

Neely, A. D., J. F. Mills, K. W. Platts, M. J. Gregory and A. H. Richards (1994). Getting the Measure of your Business: A Practical Approach. Management Accounting Research Group Conference, Aston.

Neely, A. D., J. F. Mills, K. W. Platts, M. J. Gregory and A. H. Richards (1994). Measures as a Means of Stimulating Improved Business Performance. 5th Production Operations Management Society Conference, Washington.

Neely, A. D., J. F. Mills, K. W. Platts, M. J. Gregory and A. H. Richards (1994). "Realising Strategy Through Measurement." International Journal of Operations and Production Management 14(3): 143-155.

Neely, A., J. F. Mills, K. Platts, M. Gregory and H. Richards (1994). "Performance measurement system design - Should process based approaches be adopted?". 8th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Feb. 25-28. Austria.

Mills, J. F., A. D. Neely, K. W. Platts, M. J. Gregory and A. H. Richards (1994). Strategy Evolution : Incorporating Time in the Manufacturing Strategy Process. Operations Strategy and Performance: 1st European Operations Management Association Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Mills, J. F., A. D. Neely, K. W. Platts and M. J. Gregory (1994). Charting Strategy Over Time. EIASM 2nd International Workshop on Managerial and Organizational Cognition, Brussels, Belgium.

Maslen, R. and K. W. Platts (1994). Force Field Analysis: The Development of a Process to Evaluate the Internal Consistency of Manufacturing Strategy. Operations Strategy and Performance: 1st European Operations Management Association Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Gregory, M. J., K. W. Platts, J. F. Mills and A. D. Neely (1994). Manufacturing Strategy and Performance - Linking Research and Practice. 2nd TTI Conference, London.

Gardiner, G. S. and M. J. Gregory (1994). An Audit-Based Approach to the Analysis,Re-design and Continuing Assessment of a New Product Introduction System. Operations Strategy and Performance? 1st EurOMA conference, Cambridge, England.

Frizelle, G. D. M., J. Harris and I. Greenhalgh (1994). CIM2000: Manufacturing in the 21st Century. 29th Annual Conference of BPICS.

Frizelle, G. D. M., M. J. Gregory, J. Harris and G. Ridland (1994). Tools to Help SMEs Develop Skills in Strategy Formulation. HAMMA Conference, UMIST.

Frizelle, G. D. M., M. J. Gregory, J. Harris and G. Ridland (1994). Developing Tools for the Management of change in SMEs. TTI Conference, London.

Frizelle, G. D. M. (1994). Managing Complexity as part of an Operational Strategy. Operations Strategy and Performance: Proceedings of the 1st European Operations Management Association Conference, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Platts, K. W. (1993). Researching Manufacturing Strategy. British Academy of Management Conference, Cranfield, OU.

Platts, K. W. (1993). "A Process Approach to Researching Manufacturing Strategy." International Journal of Operations and Production Management 13(8): 4-17.

Neely, A. D., J. F. Mills, K. W. Platts, M. J. Gregory and A. H. Richards (1993). Realising Strategy through Measurement. Fourth International Production Management Conference on Management of New Production Systems, London.

Neely, A. D. (1993). "Production/Operations Management: Research Process and Content during the 1980s." International Journal of Operations & Production Management 13(1): 5-18.

Gregory, M. J. (1993). "Integrated Performance Measurement - a review of current practice and emerging trends." International Journal of Production Economics 30-31: 281-296.

Frizelle, G. D. M. (1993). "Model for Maximising the return on Capital Projects under Timing Uncertainty." International Journal of Project Management 11(1): 39-47.

Platts, K. W. and M. J. Gregory (1992). "A Manufacturing Audit Approach to Strategy Formulation". Manufacturing Strategy: Process and Content. C. A. Voss, Chapman and Hall.

Frizelle, G. D. M. and A. D. Walton (1992). "CAE and CAPM: Partners or Alternatives?" Computing & Control Engineering Journal 3(2): 71-74.

Frizelle, G. D. M. and M. J. Gregory (1991). Methodology for Implementing CAPM Systems. ACME Conference, Leicester.

Frizelle, G. D. M. (1991). A Model for Maximising the Return on Capital Projects under Uncertainty. Nordnet 91 conference, Trondheim.

Frizelle, G. D. M. (1991). "Deriving a Methodology for Implementing CAPM Systems." International Journal of Production and Operations Management 11(7): 6-26.

Platts, K. W. and M. J. Gregory (1990). "Manufacturing Audit in the Process of Strategy Formulation." International Journal of Production and Operations Management 10(9): 5-26.

Platts, K. W. (1990). Manufacturing Strategy: Concept and Process. Association of Manufacturing Managers' Symposium.

Frizelle, G. D. M. (1989). "A Classification and Measurement Structure for Manufacturing Plants." International Journal of Computer Aided Manufacturing 2(6): 303-316.

Frizelle, G. D. M. (1989). "OPT in Perspective." Advanced Manufacturing Engineering 1: 74-80.

Platts, K. W. and M. J. Gregory (1988). Competitive Manufacturing: A Practical Approach to the Development of a Manufacturing Strategy. Bedford, IFS.

Frizelle, G. D. M. (1988). "Getting your Inventory Working for You." Machinery and Production Engineering.


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