Evaluation of performance measurement systems

Companies are driving their organisation toward greater flexibility, speed and response in order to satisfy customer demand. In order to understand and measure the advancement towards these goals, an increasingly complex set of activities within an organisation requires a collection of measures to adequately monitor performance. Initially as a control mechanism, performance measures evolved into something more: observing and even planning.


Research aims

This work investigates structural and behavioural aspects and their influence against the objectives of a performance measurement system. The aim of this work is to develop a process in order to evaluate the effectiveness of a performance measurement system within a manufacturing environment.


Current work

A framework is currently being tested with various companies in order to understand the various influences on performance measurement criteria.


Future research

Further case studies will help to determine a process for evaluation.


Further information

Claus Weidinger E: cfw30@cam.ac.uk T: +44 (0) 1223 766141

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