Re-configuring Healthcare Supply Chains

The Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM) looks at new supply network configuration design options and strategies aligned with emerging medicines manufacturing technologies, advanced production process control and analytics and data integration opportunities across the end-to-end supply chain enabled by ICT/digitalisation.
Researchers within the group develop approaches and strategies for the early-on assessment of the potential for emerging manufacturing technologies, viz. continuous technologies, to reconfigure medicines supply compared to the current state. This is achieved by generating analytical insights while taking into account the diverse nature of data available at the early stages of technological development – from experimental proof-of-concepts or partial validation at lab scale, to expert judgment.
Healthcare Supply Chain Projects
CMAC - Future Manufacturing Research Hub
CIM is leading a research stream in the Future Continuous Manufacturing and Advanced Crystallisation (CMAC) Hub. The 7-year £50 million programme which aims to revolutionise the way pharmaceuticals and high value products are made.
ReMediES: Reconfiguring the UK's pharmaceutical supply chain
CIM led the research in ReMediES (RE-configuring Medicines End-to-end Supply), a £22 million UK initiative to reshape the sector’s supply chains. The project, headed up by GlaxoSmithKline, brought together other leaders in the pharmaceutical industry, their supply chain partners and researchers along with other stakeholders such as regulators, knowledge transfer networks and healthcare providers.
Further reading
Collaboration as the best medicine - Dr Jag Srai explains how ReMediES, a 23-million funded, 4-year project has forged a new model for cross-sector collaboration in UK medicines manufacturing.
Take your medicine: the future of pharmaceutical supply chains - How researchers are working with pharmaceutical companies to make improvements across the whole supply chain, from how a pill is made to the moment it is swallowed by the patient.
Head of Group
Dr Jagjit Singh Srai
Head, Centre for International Manufacturing
T: +44 (0) 7734 605445