
Managing creation and transitions

Inkjet research IRFID chips
Inkjet research metal powder deposition

  • Research instrument for scanning (mapping) past industry emergence
  • Case studies to understand the dynamics of industry emergence and to identify key enablers & barriers
  • Prototype management scanning (mapping) tool to support navigation of future emergent industries


Design in science

  • Understand how and to what extent the involvement of professional (industrial) design expertise early in scientific research can improve the potential for its future application.


Manufacturing strategy for start-ups

  • To provide a roadmap of ‘what-manufacturing decisions-to-make-when’
  • To study the manufacturing readiness of a start-up, as well as the strategic decisions a start-up makes as it starts its manufacturing operations.
  • To examine the issues and problems start-ups encounter when ramping up manufacturing.
  • To compare the strategy development processes used by start-ups with existing strategy models.


Investment frameworks

  • Investigate patterns of public and private investment in a sample of emerging industries
  • Clarify the criteria being used to make public and private investment decisions
  • Influence future policy towards the support of investment for emerging industries in the UK


Policy and regulation

  • Develop in-depth case studies of how regulation has impacted the emergence of a of industries
  • Show how regulatory approach and practice has evolved under increasing pressures of globalisation and innovation
  • Create new models for proactive adaptive regulation in support of emerging industries


Supply networks

  • Improve understanding of the development and operation of supply networks for emerging industries.
  • Studies will focus on supply network emergence from multiple points in the value chain including upstream new technologies, novel downstream route to market channels and emerging production systems such as global contract manufacturers.
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