
Over recent years, the UK has substantially improved its competitiveness in terms of scientific achievement and the entrepreneurial environment. However, in an increasingly global economy, with rapidly increasing rates of technological innovation, it is ever more important to build industries based on innovative science and engineering. Despite highly successful generation of scientific insights and novel technologies, the UK has been relatively slow to build new industries on these foundations.
EIP aims to go beyond the increasingly well-established approaches to technology transfer and business start-up, to address the creation of substantial new industries, and the infrastructure needed to support them. It seeks to integrate and develop new knowledge about the elements and dynamics of emerging industrial systems, particularly those with a significant scientific and technological component, and to provide guidance for industrialists and policymakers.
Centre overview
The EIP within the IfM
"Turning ideas and opportunities into products and services"
The Challenge
- Advanced economies need new industries
- How do we stimulate, identify and nurture such industries in the UK?
The Focus
Science/technology base represents a valuable source of new ideas and opportunities
The Opportunity
Emerging Industries Programme can serve as a capstone for the IfM’s activities