Technology Management Tool Configuration
Project overview
Managers of technology and innovation face various challenges: They have to get the timing right, allocate limited resources, balance risks and opportunities, and synchronise marketing and R&D efforts.
Applying Tools and Methods
Numerous tools have been developed to assist managers in meeting these challenges. Examples include: portfolio tools, technology roadmapping, quality function deployment, and benchmark methods.
Customise Technology Management Tools
Like mechanical tools, management tools can be powerful only if they are suited to the problem and context of application. Thus, customising tools requires a careful analysis of the problem and the environment of the firm.
The Research
In my studies I am investigating how technology management tools can be configured to suit the individual context of the firm. The idea is to provide managers with a guideline that points out the important factors that should be taken into consideration before a tool is configured.
A detailed description of the factors and activities involved in co-development projects is available on request. Jan-Niklas Keltsch E: