CTM Research papers 2015 - 2016
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- Huang, Z., Farrukh, C. and Shi, Y., (2016), 'Commercialization journey in business ecosystem: from academy to market', R&D Management conference 2016, 3-6 July 2016, Cambridge, UK.
- Pieper, T., Tietze, F., Schultz, C. and Herstatt, C. (2016). To share or not to share – Exploring the impact of sharing behavior on user innovativeness R&D Management Conference. Cambridge, UK (under preparation for the Technovation).
- Granstrand, O. and Tietze, F. (2016). IP strategies for evergreening of sequential innovations. R&D Management Conference. Cambridge, UK (under preparation for the R&D Management).
- Foege, J.N., Lauritzen, G.D., Tietze, F. and Salge, T.-O. (2016). What is mine is yours, or is it? Exploring solvers’ value appropriation strategies in crowdsourcing contests. R&D Management Conference. Cambridge, UK (under preparation for the Research Policy).
- Ford, S., L. Mortara and T. Minshall, (2016), 'The Emergence of Additive Manufacturing: Introduction to the Special Issue,' Technological Forecasting & Social Change 102 (January 2016): 156-159.
- Lauritzen, G. D. & S. Salomo, (2016), ‘Exploring the dynamics of firm and innovation community collaboration: A complex love story’, book chapter in Brem, A. & E. Viardot (Eds), Revolution of Innovation Management: The Digital Breakthrough, Vol. 1, Palgrave MacMillan. http://www.palgrave.com/la/book/9781137574749
- Yip, H.H., Ilevbare, I.M., Phaal, R. and Probert, D., (2016), ‘Translating technology management research into practice: system design characterization as an example’, Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland, Honolulu, Hawaii, 4-8 September.
- Zhao, B. and Phaal, R., (2016), ‘An evidence-based approach for entrepreneurs to assess technology ventures’, R&D Management Conference, Cambridge, 3-6 June.
- Kerr, C., Phaal, R. and Thams, K., (2016), ‘Customising and deploying roadmapping in an organisation setting: the LEGO Group experience’, R&D Management Conference, Cambridge, 3-6 June.
- Hirose, Y. and Phaal, R., (2016), ‘A retrospective visual mapping approach for understanding the emergence of technology ventures’, R&D Management Conference, Cambridge, 3-6 June.
- Ahn, J. M., Y. Ju, T. H. Moon, T. Minshall, D. Probert, S. Y. Sohn and L. Mortara (2016). "Beyond absorptive capacity in open innovation process: the relationships between openness, capacities and firm performance." Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 28(9): 1009-1028.
- Cetindamar, D., Phaal, R. and Probert, D., (2015), ‘Technology management as a profession and the challenges ahead’, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 41, pp. 1-13.
- Jeong, Y., Lee, K., Yoon, B. and Phaal, R., (2015), ‘Development of a patent roadmap through the generative topographic mapping and bass diffusion model’, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 38, Oct-Dec, pp. 53-70.
- Zhou, Y., G. Xu, T. H. W. Minshall and P. Liu, (2015), 'How do public demonstration projects promote green-manufacturing technologies to massive SMEs: A case study in China', Sustainable Development 23: 217-231.
- Minshall, T., L. Mortara and T. Ulrichsen, (2015), 'University-industry partnerships and open innovation implementation: Experiences from Cambridge', 2nd World Open Innovation Conference 19-20th November 2015. Santa Clara, CA.
- Lee, K., M. J. Platts and T. Minshall, (2015). 'Explorations of Evidence-based Policymaking (EBPM) for Reconciling Science and Policy: Developing a Conceptual Framework for Improved Understanding of EBPM in Wind Industry Emergence', Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review 6(2): 146-173.
- Zhao, B., Hirose, Y. and Phaal, R. (2015), ‘A framework for characterising technology ventures for valuation purposes’, R&D Management Conference, Pisa, 23-26 June.
- Kerr, C. and Phaal, R. (2015), ‘A scalable toolkit platform: configurations for deployment in technology and innovation strategy workshops’, R&D Management Conference, Pisa, 23-26 June.
- Phaal, R., Kerr, C., Ilevbare, I., Farrukh, C., Routley, M. and Athanasopoulou, N., (2015), ‘Self-facilitating templates for technology and innovation strategy workshops’, R&D Management Conference, Pisa, 23-26 June.
- Tietze, F., and Probert, D., (2015), 'Patent informatics for collaboration management', The Partner(May), 109-111.
- Tietze, F., Smed, M., Schultz, C., and Salomo, S., (2015), 'The Implications Of Partner Fit On The Innovation Output From Uni-Industry Cooperations', PICMET, Portland, USA.
- Lütjen, H., Schultz, C., and Tietze, F., (2015), 'Escaping the commodity trap: Towards service innovation', R&D Management Conference, Pisa, Italy.
- Farrukh, C., Athanassapoulou, N., Phaal, R., and Tietze, F., (2015), 'SME innovation practice and needs: lessons from the PrISMS Programme', R&D Management Conference, Pisa, Italy.
- Joon Mo Ahn, Tim Minshall, Letizia Mortara., ‘Open innovation: a new classification and its impact on firm performance in innovative SMEs’, Journal of Innovation Management 3, 2 (2015) 33-54.
- Despeisse, M. and Ford, S.J. (2015), ‘The Role of Additive Manufacturing in Improving Resource Efficiency and Sustainability’, In: Umeda, S., Nakano, M., Mizuyama, H., Hibino, H., Kiritsis, D., von Cieminski, G. (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative Production Management Towards Sustainable Growth, Volume 460 of the series IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 129-136.
- Ford, S.J., Despeisse, M. and Viljakainen, A.M. (2015), ‘Extending Product Life Through Additive Manufacturing: The Sustainability Implications’, Global Cleaner Production and Consumption Conference, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4 November 2015.
- Ford, S.J. and Minshall, T. (2015), ‘Defining the Research Agenda for 3D Printing-Enabled Re-Distributed Manufacturing’, In: Umeda, S., Nakano, M., Mizuyama, H., Hibino, H., Kiritsis, D., von Cieminski, G. (Eds.), Advances in Production Management Systems: Innovative Production Management Towards Sustainable Growth, Volume 460 of the series IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 156-164.
- Yip M.H, Phaal R., Probert D.R., ‘Characterising product-service systems in the healthcare industry’, Technology in Society (2015), doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2015.05.014.
- Yip M.H, Juhola, T., ‘Stakeholder involvement in software system development – insights into the influence of product-service ratio’, Technology in Society (2015), doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2015.05.006.
- Oliveira, M.G., Rozenfeld, H., Phaal, R. and Probert, D., (2015), ‘Decision making at the front end of innovation: the hidden influence of decision criteria’, R&D Management, 45 (2), pp. 161-180.
- Derbyshire J., Garnsey E., (2015), 'Are firm growth paths random? A further response regarding Gambler's Ruin Theory', Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Volume 3, July 2015, Pages 9–11.
- Garnsey, E., Lubik, S., Heffernan, P., (2015), 'Organizational Emergence and Firm Formation', In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 17. Oxford: Elsevier. ISBN: 9780080970868.
- Hang, C.C., Garnsey, E., Ruan, Y., (2015), 'Opportunities for Disruption', Technovation Vol 29-40 May–June 2015, Pages 83–93.
- Garnsey, E., Hang, C.C., (2015), 'Introduction to Special Issue of Technovation on Opportunity Recognition and Creation', Technovation Volumes 39-40 (2015).
- Lubik, Sarah., Garnsey, Elizabeth, (2015), ‘Early Business Model Evolution in Science Based Ventures’, Long Range Planning Vol xxx pp 1-16.
- Thiesse, Frederic., Wirth, Wirth., Kemper, Hans-Georg., Moisa, Michelle., Morar, Dominik., Lasi, Heiner., Piller, Frank., Buxmann, Peter., Mortara, Letizia., Ford, Simon. & Minshall, Tim., (2015), ‘Economic Implications of Additive Manufacturing and the Contribution of MIS’, Business & Information Systems Engineering, DOI: 10.1007/s12599-015-0374-4.
- Bocken, N.M.P., Rana, P., Athanassopoulou, N., Llevbare, I. and Phaal, R., (2015), ‘A strategy process for early stage ventures to develop sustainable value opportunities’, 2ndInternational Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Seville, 12-14 April.
- Sugihara, T., Fujinami, T., Phaal, R. and Ikawa, Y., (2015), ‘A technology roadmap of assistive technologies for dementia care in Japan’, Dementia, 14 (1), pp. 80-103.
- Hirose, Y., Phaal, R. and Probert, D., (2015), 'A Conceptual Framework for the Scalable Integration of Roadmapping and Innovation System Functions for Industrial Emergence', In: DRUID Academy Conference 2015, 21/1/2015 to 23/1/2015, Aalborg, Denmark.
- Göldner, M., Herstatt, C., & Tietze, F., (2015), 'The emergence of care robotics – A patent and publication analysis', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 92 (March), p. 115-131.
- Ahn, J. M., T. Minshall, and L. Mortara. 2015. "Open innovation: a new
classification and its impact on firm performance in innovative SMEs."
Journal of Innovation Management 3 (2):33-54. - Mortara, L. 2015 Communicating intelligence The XXVI ISPIM Conference –
Shaping the Frontiers of Innovation Management, Budapest, Hungary on 14-17
June 2015.
- Mortara, L. (2015) Communicating Intelligence. Institute for
Manufacturing. University of Cambridge. 978-1-902546-49-0
- Mortara L. (2015) Communicating Intelligence Centre for Technology
Management working paper series. ISSN 2058-8887, No. 7 July 2015