EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Ultra Precision

The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Ultra Precision started in October 2011 as a collaboration between the Precision Engineering Institute at Cranfield University and the Institute for Manufacturing at the University of Cambridge, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).


Our aims are to create ultra high precision manufacturing processes and tools that can make products with nanoscale precision.  The Centre will foster and accelerate the development of emerging high value products through its dedicated production compatible ultra precision process research platforms and internationally leading research programme. Through a close interaction with UK precision manufacturing supply chains, the UK’s emerging product developers and leading international organisations, the Centre will establish a unique world leading UK based ultra precision research centre. Through its National Strategy Programme for Ultra Precision, the Centre will deliver a thriving active network community across academia and industry, supported by information services and collaboration opportunities


Key research challenges

  • To create and demonstrate rapid ultra precision and fine feature generation processes for multi-material processing of emerging products, including their effective quality control, through a portfolio of research projects.
  • To create and demonstrate new mass production chains that apply nano and micro scale features rapidly onto large (and continuous) multi-material substrates, to be proven through flagship projects that establish three uniquely performing production research platforms.

The following PhD projects on Ultra Precision are taking place at Cambridge:-


Interested in joining our Ultra Precision team?

To join our Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Ultra Precision apply for our Centre for Doctoral Training, offering places for a Masters in Research going on to a 3 year PhD, visit our website here.

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