Report from AMSCI quarterly meeting

A quarterly meeting of Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative (AMSCI) – Advanced Manufacturing of Homes, Buildings and Infrastructure (AMHBI) was held at Grundfos Pumps Ltd, Sunderland on 15th April 2016.


The meeting was jointly organised by Laing O’Rourke and Grundfos Pumps, and attended by 30+ people representing 15+ consortium partners.


Dr Tariq Masood reported on the D(FMA)2 work stream, with inputs from Brian Robertson and Mohamed Hani El-Reifi (EDC). This included overall work stream report and engagement with other AMSCI work streams and partners.


The Cambridge team also updated on their recent work related to design process modelling, design for supply chain and manufacturing re-configurability.

The meeting was followed by a plant tour of Grundfos Pumps, and a networking session over lunch.


For any further queries, please contact Tariq Masood