IfM opens its doors to welcome visitors at Showcase event

On 6th June the IfM threw open its doors to over a hundred collaborators, friends and new connections, to showcase the diversity of work that takes place here, including tours, demonstrations and short talks.


Following a welcome talk from Professor Tim Minshall (Dr John C. Taylor Professor of Innovation and Head of the IfM), who provided an overview of the IfM’s work, visitors had a chance to meet our researchers and students, and to find out about undergraduate projects, current PhD research, and advanced programmes that demonstrate high-level impact across industry and government.


MET Design Show student projects were on display in the Common Room, following their formal presentations and assessment the previous day.  There were Pecha Kucha talks from PhD students, digital manufacturing demos, and a tour of the photonics lab.


Register your interest - IfM Showcase event 2020


IfM Showcase June 2019 student Design Show project

MET Students had a chance to show their Design Show prototypes to visitors from manufacturing companies.


IfM Showcase June 2019 student Design Show projects

Ten MET Design Show products were on show.


IfM Showcase June 2019 student Design Show projects


IfM Showcase June 2019 student Design Show project

Read more about the 2019 Design Show here.


IfM Showcase June 2019 photonics tour

Professor Bill O'Neill and team gave visitors a guided tour of the photonics lab.


IfM Showcase June 2019 VR

There was also a chance to try our virtual reality equipment.


IfM Showcase June 2019 Make UK

We were delighted to be joined by Make UK.


IfM Showcase June 2019 student Design Show project

And we also welcomed Cambridge-based Makerspace, even enjoying music from Michael Dales on his amazing hand-made guitar and amp!  



Register your interest - IfM Showcase event

* indicates required

Date published

7 June 2019

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