IfM trains first cohort of students from new Doctoral Training Centre

The course was delivered and supported by Dr Jag Srai, Dr Tomás Harrington, Dr Mukesh Kumar and Ms Leila Alinaghian, and covered topics such as strategic operations and supply chain management, with a particular focus on supply network design, alternative replenishment models and processes, industrial capabilities, pharmaceutical industry specific supply chains, and risk and resilience.
The 13 participating students from the Universities of Strathclyde, Heriot-Watt, Loughborough, Edinburgh, Bath and Glasgow enjoyed a series of interactive sessions which involved lectures, practical case-work and group work. As part of the week-long programme, the cohort attended a specialist session on pharmaceutical supply chain challenges and opportunities and paid a visit to the GSK Stevenage site to look at its world-leading continuous process plant and crystallisation laboratories.
The Doctoral Training Centre in Continuous Manufacturing and Crystallisation embedded within the multi-university EPSRC Centre of the same name, is an innovative, multi-disciplinary doctoral training programme which aims to develop future leaders in the field. The IfM, and in particular, the Centre for International Manufacturing, is one of seven key university research groups involved in this activity.
For further information contact Dr Jag Srai.
Date published
6 February 2013