UCI Publications & Resources

This section provides access to UCI publications and other resources that may be of value to the university commercialisation and innovation community.

UCI Policy Evidence Unit articles and reports




 2024 Spinout report

Spinning out Success: Demystifying UK university spinout trends, equity and investment (2024)


Tomas Ulrichsen

Zoi Roupakia


Commercialising social science research

Commercialising Social Science Research: Insights from the University of Cambridge on key barriers, enablers and pathways to success (2024)


Tomas Ulrichsen

Nicky Athanassopoulou

 UCI KE Funding Review

Knowledge Exchange Funding Review: Insights from a review of the literature (2023)


Tomas Ulrichsen

Leonard Kelleher

Zoi Roupakia

 University spinout equity approaches

Busting Myths and Moving Forward: the reality of UK university approaches to taking equity in spinouts (2022)


Tomas Ulrichsen

Zoi Roupakia

Leonard Kelleher

 2022 Covid and universities report

Through Crisis to Recovery: The ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on universities and their ability to drive innovation (2022)


Tomas Ulrichsen

Leonard Kelleher

 2022 Innovation Policy Crisis Universities

Innovation policy and the university system in times of crisis and recovery: What we know and what it means (2022)

Background paper


Leonard Kelleher

Tomas Ulrichsen

 Spinout incentives

Reforming incentives for research and knowledge exchange to strengthen university spinout performance: options and implications: Insights from an expert roundtable (2022)


Tomas Ulrichsen

Leonard Kelleher


Observations from a Critical Review of the First Iteration of the Knowledge Exchange Framework (2021)


Zoi Roupakia

Tomas Ulrichsen

 2021 Effects of Covid on Universities

Innovating During a Crisis: The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on How Universities Contribute to Innovation (2021)


Tomas Ulrichsen


The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on How Universities Contribute to Innovation: UCI/NCUB launch event presentation (2021)


 Tomas Ulrichsen



UCI Expert Insight Papers and UCI Working Papers



 Universities, Innovation and Dynamic Capabilities

UCI Working Paper 2024/01:

Universities driving innovation in the ‘new normal’: a multi-ontological perspective of dynamic capability microfoundations for knowledge exchange (2024)


Leonard Kelleher

Tomas Ulrichsen

 Legal perspectives on spinouts

UCI Expert Insights Paper 01:

Legal perspectives on the complexities and issues influencing the spinning out of companies from universities to commercialise IP (2023)


Mark Anderson (Managing Partner, Anderson Law LLP)

Kelleher University Models

UCI Expert Insights Paper 02: 

University models for a sustainable future: clarifying a complex landscape (2023)


Leonard Kelleher



Articles and opinion pieces


 UCI NCUB SoR 2022

Going for growth: the importance of a ‘both/and’ mindset for investing in the commercialisation of research (2022)

Tomas Ulrichsen and Leonard Kelleher


(published in NCUB State of the Relationship Report 2022)


Unleashing the Potential of Partnerships to Tackle Climate Change (2021)

Marla Fuchs and Tomas Ulrichsen


Opinion Piece: Beyond the Pandemic: Put universities at the heart of an innovation-led recovery (2020)

Tomas Ulrichsen


COVID-19 and the resilience of university-business collaborations (2020)

(published in NCUB State of the Relationship 2020)


Tomas Ulrichsen





Other UCI-relevant articles and reports


The reports below were produced by members of the UCI Policy Evidence Unit team prior to the Unit's creation in 2020. They may be of interest to the university commercialisation and innovation community.


Higher Education Innovation Fund


The following papers were developed to provide evidence on the function and impact of the flagship Higher Education Innovation Fund managed and allocated by Research England (formerly the Higher Education Funding Council for England). HEIF provides a critical funding stream to support all aspects of knowledge exchange from English Higher Education Institutions.



Evaluation of the effectiveness and role of HEFCE/OSI third stream funding (2009)


PACEC (Barry Moore and Tomas Ulrichsen) and the University of Cambridge Centre for Business Research (Alan Hughes)


Knowledge Exchange Performance and the Impact of HEIF in the English Higher Education Sector (2014)


Tomas Ulrichsen


Assessing the Economic Impacts of the Higher Education Innovation Fund: a Mixed-Method Quantitative Assessment (2015)


Tomas Ulrichsen


Allocating HEIF: the suitability of knowledge exchange income as a proxy for outcome performance (2016)


Tomas Ulrichsen


The Case for a Substantial Increase in HEIF Funding (2018)


Tomas Ulrichsen


The Requirement for Public Funding for University Knowledge Exchange to Deliver the 2.4% R&D Target (2019)


Tomas Ulrichsen


Assessing the impacts of student-focused knowledge exchange funding (2019)


Tomas Ulrichsen


Assessing the Gross Additional Impacts of the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF): An update for the period 2015/16 – 2018/19 (2020)


Tomas Ulrichsen


The development of place-based R&D funding in the UK 


The following papers are the outputs of a 2018-19 project by the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy for UK Research and Innovation looking at how they can develop effective place-based research and innovation funding programmes to help reduce the significant spatial disparities in economic performance across the UK. The project brought together academic experts from different academic perspectives to review the latest evidence and insights, and reflect on implications for government research and innovation funding agencies.



Innovating Places: Investing in Local Research and Innovation to Build Local Industrial Capabilities to Enhance Local Economic Benefits (2020)

Overview Report


Tomas Ulrichsen and Eoin O'Sullivan


Value Chains, Systems Thinking and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: Implications for place-based policy development in the UK (2019)


Alan Hughes and Tomas Ulrichsen


UK Research and Innovation: A Place-Based Shift? (2019)


Philip McCann


Innovation Policy and Place: A Critical Assessment (2019)


Michael Kitson


Industrial capabilities, innovation and place (2019)


Michael H. Best



Knowledge Exchange Metrics and the Knowledge Exchange Framework


The following report was developed to provide inputs to the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) Technical Advisory Group. It develops the clusters of Higher Education Institutions that underpins the comparative benchmarking element of the KEF.


 Knowledge Exchange Clusters of English Higher Education Providers

Knowledge Exchange Clusters of English Higher Education Providers: An Update (2023)


Tomas Ulrichsen


Knowledge Exchange Framework Metrics: A Cluster Analysis of Higher Education Institutions (2018)


Tomas Ulrichsen


Measuring University-Business Links in the United States (2014)


Tomas Ulrichsen, Alan Hughes, and Barry Moore


Intellectual property commercialisation


The following report was developed to support the review of university-investor links by Mike Rees for Research England. It brings together various data sources on university spinouts and explores performance. It also reviews what we know about the key factors shaping the success of university spinouts.



Developing University Spinouts in the UK: Key trends in spinout activity, investments and investor involvement (2019)


Tomas Ulrichsen


University-industry partnership building


The following reports provide evidence on various aspects of building university-industry partnerships.




Developing University-Industry Partnerships Fit for the Future: Key insights and issues emerging from the Oxford UIDP Summit 2019


Tomas Ulrichsen

 2014 Strategic Partnerships

Building Long Term Strategic University-Industry Partnerships: Lessons and effective practices from UK and US experiences (2015)

Full report


Tomas Ulrichsen and Eoin O’Sullivan


Building Long Term Strategic University-Industry Partnerships: Lessons and effective practices from UK and US experiences (2014)

Summary findings


Tomas Ulrichsen

 2018_Strategic Partnerships Value

How do large companies benefit from strategic partnerships with universities? Developing and testing a novel framework


Tomas Ulrichsen and Eoin O’Sullivan


University-Industry Partnerships and Open Innovation: Key developments and experiences from the University of Cambridge (2015)


Tim Minshall, Letizia Mortara and Tomas Ulrichsen


The Nature, Location and Functioning of International Research Collaborations: A study of manufacturing research (2016)


Tomas Ulrichsen and Charles Featherston


Universities, innovation, and the organisation of knowledge exchange support


The following papers and reports explore issues around the organisation of knowledge exchange support within universities.



Building Universities into Strategic Innovation System Actors: Exploring Transitions and Organisational-Level Support at the University of Cambridge, 1996-2015 (2017)


Tomas Ulrichsen, Tim Minshall and Letizia Mortara


Revisiting the innovation and economic development engines of universities (2015)

(published in the NCUB State of the Relationship Report 2015)


Tomas Ulrichsen

 2010 US KE System report

The Higher Education Knowledge Exchange System in the United States (2010)


Tomas Ulrichsen, Barry Moore and Alan Hughes


A report for HEFCE by PACEC and the University of Cambridge Centre for Business Research


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