
Professor Chander Velu

Professor of Innovation and Economics

Chander Velu is Professor of Innovation and Economics in the Cambridge University Engineering Department. He is a Fellow at Selwyn College, Cambridge.


Prior to joining the Institute for Manufacturing, he was a member of the faculty at Cambridge Judge Business School. Prior to his academic career, Chander worked for Booz Allen & Hamilton and PricewaterhouseCoopers in London as a management consultant. He completed his MPhil and PhD from the University of Cambridge. He is a Fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and a Senior Fellow at The Conference Board.


Research interests


Chander heads the Cambridge Business Model Innovation Research Group (CBiG). 


Chander holds an EPSRC Digital Economy Research Fellowship to study the implications of business model innovation on productivity resulting from the adoption of digital technologies. 


Chander is member of the Executive Team of The Productivity Institute, a UK-wide multi-disciplinary research organisation funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to address the productivity slowdown in the United Kingdom, with the aim to improve living standard and well being. 


Chander has an interest in innovation and technology management with a specific focus on exploring the antecedents and consequences of business model innovation. He has been examining issues related to business model innovation and implications for productivity, strategic decision making, leadership and management information. Chander also works on research related to transformation challenges to create and capture value from digital technologies. Chander has been studying the business model implications of adopting quantum technologies.


Chander also conducts research on issues related to management and development economics. In this stream of research, Chander examines the role of new business models for economic development. 


Recent Activities


1. Book published by Cambridge University Press Business Model Innovation: A Blueprint for Strategic Change.


2  Adoption of Quantum Technologies and Business Model Innovation and News Item


3. Business model innovation is key to beating COVID-19 debt - IfM


4. Conference Board Digital Transformation Report and The Impact of the Pandemic on Digital Transformation


5. Webcast on Realizing the Full Potential of Digital Transformation - The Conference Board and Cambridge


6. Podcasts on Perspectives on Business Model Innovation and Pandemic


7. Targeting the Full Value of Digital Disruption - Cambridge and IBM


8. Podcast on Business Model Innovation and the Productivity Paradox - BeyondBIM






Velu, C., 2024. Business Model Innovation: A Blueprint for Strategic Change. Cambridge University Press.


Journal Articles


Gebel, L., Velu, C. and Vidal-Puig, A. (2024). The strategy behind one of the most successful labs in the world, Nature, 630 (8018), 813-816. Shareable version

Chen,Y.P., Velu, C. and McFarlane, D (2024). Robot Adoption and Profitability: The Opportunities and Challenges Ahead. IEEE Engineering Management Review, forthcoming


Rama Murthy, S., Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Minshall, T., Velu, C., Kazantsev, N. and McFarlane, D., (2024). Elastic manufacturing: provisioning and deprovisioning production capacity to vary product volume and mixInternational Journal of Operations & Production Management., forthcoming 


Chen,Y.P., Velu, C. and McFarlane, D (2024). The Effect of Robot Adoption on Profit Margins. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71, 8951-8963.


Velu, C. and F. H. Putra. (2023). How to introduce quantum computers without slowing economic growth, Nature, 619 (7970), 461-464. Shareable version 

Pattinson, S., J. Nicholson, M. Ehret, C. Velu and P. Ryan. (2023). Innovation Ecosystems in B2B contexts: Owning the Space, Industrial Marketing Management, 108, A1-A9.


Velu, C. and S. Iyer. (2021). Learning From Near Misses from Covid 19, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(40), e2108269118.


Fan, J., D. Friedman, J. Gair, S. Iyer, B. Redlicki and C. Velu. (2021). A Simulation Study of How Religious Fundamentalism Takes Root. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 192, 465-481.


Wannakrairoj, W. and C. Velu. (2021). Productivity Growth and Business Model Innovation. Economics Letters, 199, 109679, 1-5.


Park, H., P. Ritala and C. Velu (2021) Discovering and Managing Interdependence with Customer-EntrepreneursBritish Journal of Management 32(1): 124-146.


Klöckner, M., S. Kurpjuweit, C. Velu and S. Wagner. (2020). Does Blockchain for 3D Printing Offer Opportunities for Business Model Innovation, Research Technology Management, July-August, 18-27.


Koebnick, P., C. Velu  and D. McFarlane. (2020). Preparing for Industry 4.0: Digital Business Model Innovation in the Food and Beverage Industry, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 13(1), 59-88.


Glew, R. and Velu. C. (2020). Malaysianization and the Barlow Boustead Estates Agency, Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 93(1), 318, 43-66.


Pac, F., S. Savin and C. Velu (2018) When to Adopt an Innovation: Nash Equilibria in a Competitive Diffusion Framework, European Journal of Operations Management, 271(3), 968-984.  


Velu, C. (2017) A Systems Perspective on Business Model Evolution: The Case of an Agricultural Informational Service Provider in India, Long Range Planning, 50(5), 603-620. 


Martinez, V., A. Neely, C. Velu, S. Leinster-Evans and D. Bisessar (2017) Exploring the Journey to Services, International Journal of Production Economics, 192, 66-80. 


Velu, C and A. Jacob. (2016) Business Model Innovation and Owner-Managers: The Moderating Role of Competition, R&D Management, 46(3), 451-463. 


Velu, C. (2016) Evolutionary or Revolutionary Business Model Innovation Through Coopetition? The Role of Dominance in Network Markets, Industrial Marketing Management, 53, 124-135. 


Velu, C. (2015) Knowledge Management Capabilities of Lead Firms in Innovation Ecosystems, AMS Review, 5(3-4), 123-141. 


Wang, J., S. Madnick, X. Lee, J. Alstott and C. Velu (2015) Effect of Media Usage Selection on Social Mobilization Speed: Facebook vs e-mail, PLOS ONE, 10(9): e0134811. 


Velu, C. (2015) The Effects of the Degree of Business Model Innovation and Third-Party Alliance on the Survival of New Firms, Technovation, 35, 1-11. 


Alstott, J., S. Madnick  and C. Velu. (2014) Homophily and the Speed of Social Mobilization: The Effect of Acquired and Ascribed Traits, PLOS ONE, 9(4): e95140. 


Velu, C., S. Madnick and M. Van Alstyne. (2014) Centralizing Data Management with Considerations of Uncertainty and Information-based Flexibility, Journal of Management Information Systems, 30(3), 179-212. 


Iyer, S., C. Velu and A. Mumit. (2014) Communication and Marketing of Services by Religious Organizations in India, Journal of Business Research, 67(2), 59-67. 


Velu, C and P. Stiles. (2013) Managing Decision-Making and Cannibalization for Parallel Business Models, Long Range Planning, 46(6), 443-458. 


Velu, C and M. Khanna. (2013) Business Model Innovation in India, Journal of Indian Business Research, 5(3), 156-170. 


Velu, C. (2012) Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Financial Institutions, Quantitative Finance, 12(6), 831-837 (Lead article). 


Velu, C., S. Iyer and J. Gair. (2012) Dominance and Innovation: A Returns-Based Beliefs Approach, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 28, 261-284. 


Iyer, S. and C. Velu. (2006) Real Options and Demographic Decisions, Journal of Development Economics, 80, 39-58. 


Book Chapters



Rama Murthy, S., Huang, J. and Velu, C., 2023. Business Model Innovation in Additive Manufacturing Equipment Sector. In Springer Handbook of Additive Manufacturing (pp. 43-54). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


Said, F., Page, A., Salter, L., Velu, C. (2022). Intangible Capital and Reorientation of Manufacturing During a Pandemic. In Gallitto, E., Massi, M., Harrison, P., eds., Consumption, Production, and Entrepreneurship in the Time of Coronovirus, Palgrave Macmillan.


Hao, J., S. Hicks, C. Popper, and C. Velu. (2020). Realizing the Full Potential of Digital Transformation: Three Areas of Focus, in Metselaar, J, eds,. Strategic Management in the Age of Digital Transformation, Proud Pen.


Velu, C. (2020) Business Model Cohesiveness Scorecard: Implications of Digitization for Business Model Innovation, in Nambisan, S., Lyytinen, K. and Yoo, Y., eds., Handbook of Digital Innovation (UK: Edward Elgar, 2020).


Velu, C. (2018) Coopetition and Business Models, in Chiambaretto, P., Czakon, W., Anne-Sophie Fernandez, A and Le Roy, F. Handbook of Coopetition Strategies in the Routledge Companion on Coopetition Strategy, Routledge.


Velu, C. (2015) Institutions and Collaborative Innovation, in Viardot, E. and A. Brem. Adoption of Innovation – Balancing Internal and External Stakeholders in the Marketing of Innovation, Springer.


Other Publications


 Velu, C and S. Iyer. (2023). The Business of Economics, The Economist, 20 April.


Velu, C., Putra, F., Geurtsen, E., Norman, K. and Noble, C. (2022). Adoption of Quantum Technologies and Business Model Innovation. Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge


Popper, C and C. Velu. (2021). The Impact of the Pandemic on Digital Transformation, Conference Board Report


Hao, J., Hicks, S., Popper, C. and Velu, C. (2020). Realizing the Full Potential of Digital Transformation, Conference Board Report.

Velu, C., Pooya, G., and Dalzell-Payne, P. (2019). Targeting the Full Value of Digital Disruption, Cambridge and IBM Report

Velu, C (2018). Solving the Productivity Paradox, Manufacturing Leadership Journal, Aug, 23-27.


Meeks, G and C. Velu. (2018) Ten years from the crash: time to row back on financial regulation and compliance? LSE Business Review, August. 


Velu, C., P.A. Smart and M. Phillips. (2016). The Imperative for Business Model Innovation: A Research and Practice Perspective, White paper by University of Cambridge and University of Exeter. 


Barrett, M., C. Velu, R. Kohli, O. Salge and D. Simoes-Brown. (2011) Making the Transition to Collaborative Innovation: Issues of Readiness, Trust and Governance, National Endowment for the Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) Business Briefing, May.


Milward, S and C. Velu (2010). Market Channels and Business Models for Rural Areas, Effective Executive, 13(6): 10-21.


Velu, C. and S. Prakash. (2010). Reuters Market Light: Business Model Innovation for Growth, Effective Executive, 13(2): 78-83.


Velu, C and L. Yu (2008). How do Indian Banks Go Global?, Effective Executive, 11(1): 64-79.

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T: +44 (0) 1223 765 879
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