The future of technology - feature by Great Northern rail

We were proud to take part in a film for Great Northern rail for their Line Residents series. 


The series focuses on the 'power of journeys' by sharing the positive transformations that can happen when you take a train journey. Line Residents are influencers in food, fitness, technology, and share stories inspired by their own transformational journeys on the Great Northern network.


This episode features interviews with Head of the IfM, Professor Tim Minshall, as well as research highlights from Senior Research Associate, Dr Thomas Bohne and PhD student, Nadeem Gabbani. As well as discussing their work at the IfM, they also talk about the future of technology, and how this will further transform our everyday lives in years to come.



The video is presented by The Gadget Show's, Ortis Deley [Twitter: @OrtisDeley], a line resident who travels to Cambridge for the first time to explore the City. 


Line Residents: A look into the future of technology with Cambridge University


Video by Great Northern.


Date published

22 May 2019

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