Strategic technology and innovation management consortium programme 2016

Coordinated by the Centre for Technology Management at the Institute for Manufacturing, research highlights have included:
- Development of a structured approach for designing and applying project selection frameworks, for commercial and early stage innovation projects
- Improved understanding of the barriers and enablers to communication and assimilation of technology intelligence by senior decision makers
- Development of a light-touch workshop process for supporting innovation strategy, combining roadmapping and portfolio methods
- Creation of an innovation simulation, applying a serious-gaming approach to support experiential training to aid participant learning
- Development of customised templates for supporting strategic technology and innovation management, based on scalable toolkit platform principles
The 2016 programme launch meeting will be hosted in Cambridge on Wednesday 18 November, providing interested companies with an opportunity to shape the programme for next year.
For more information about the launch meeting please visit here, or to reserve a place please contact Dr Rob Phaal, +44 (0)1223 765824,
The STIM consortium brings together managers from a range of sectors and researchers from the Centre for Technology Management, to support industrially relevant research, networking and knowledge exchange.