Professor Steve Evans in Ciencia del Sur

Steve Evans: "As an engineer I can be a theoretical purist or I can seek more directly to have my ideas used by working with industries." 


The tons of food wasted every day, the irrational use of water to manufacture jeans, and how our trash impacts climate change are some of the issues that worry and even upset Steve Evans, professor of Industrial Sustainability at Cambridge University and one of the main speakers at the Falling Walls Conference in Berlin last November.


But one of Evans’ major concerns is the current gap between science and society, which he argues is disempowering citizens.


Ciencia del Sur took the opportunity to talk with Prof. Evans in Berlin about his research and his vision for universities and interdisciplinary science.


Read the interview here or watch Steve's presentation from the conference below.



Date published

18 February 2019

For further information please contact:

Steve Evans

T: 01223 339815


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