New platform provokes debate on future of high-tech cluster

A new blog has been set up to prompt debate on the future of Cambridge's Silicon Fen as it reaches a critical point in its evolution. The Cambridge Technopole blog is edited by Dr Tim Minshall of the University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing.
Dr Minshall outlined three issues underpinning the launch of this blog: "Firstly, the global economic downturn is having a direct impact on the start-up, growth, and retention of companies within the cluster. Secondly, we are approaching some key milestones in the evolution of the cluster such as the 50th anniversary of the start-up of Cambridge Consultants and the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Cambridge Science Park. Thirdly, we are seeing changes in several key organisations within the cluster as well as the launch of many new initiatives. The convergence of these three issues points to a need to reflect on how the next generation of successful companies can best be supported in Cambridge."
Dr Minshall, who also sits on the board of St John's Innovation Centre, said he hoped the blog would act as a useful platform for discussion of ideas on the future direction of the cluster.
Topics raised and discussed on the blog will feed in to the latest version of the Cambridge Technopole Report, an annual review of the key organisations and activities within the high tech cluster.
The blog will also include invited contributions from individuals reflecting the diversity of views throughout the cluster.