Internet of Things platforms for mass customisation: when are they appropriate?
Ravi Sikhwal and Letizia Mortara are working with Arçelik and STIM on a project funded by the Pitch-in Network. They have developed a theoretical model of a tool that helps manufacturers determine what types of goods could be more suitable for Internet of Things (IoT)-driven personalisation.
The theoretical model describes how/when, for equally appreciated customised products, customers would favour an IoT-driven (and hence time/effort saving) mass-customisation offer over a human-driven mass customisation one. This is done by analysing the time invested by a user in designing customised products which might be perceived as a benefit (the experience is pleasurable) or a sacrifice, presenting different potential patterns. The patterns when the time invested in customisation is perceived as a sacrifice more than a benefit are more suitable for IoT-driven mass customisation.
The theoretical value model developed in this work will be used as a basis for designing experiment aimed to measure customer perceived value from different product and customisation options combination. Industrial partners and researchers who are interested in understanding how IoT might support mass customisation are more than welcome to participate and contribute in the empirical experiment, and to provide their feedback to develop a robust IoT-driven Mass Customisation suitability tool, from output of this experiment.
For any engagement opportunities, please contact Ravi K Sikhwal or Letizia Mortara.