Leverhulme Trust Lecture: Technology, IP & Innovation in the Economy

Upcoming Lecture by Professor Ove Granstrand:
The Role of Technology, IP and Innovation in the Economy - What can we learn from Nobel Laureates in Economics?
The lecture is on Thursday, 6 December at 16:00 and be followed by drinks.
Speaker: Prof Dr Ove Granstrand, Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge
Chairman: Prof Tim Minshall, Head of IfM, Department of Engineering
The talk will focus on new technologies, IP rights and innovations and their role in the economies of firms and nations. Generic, recombinant technologies propel growth and value creation while disruptive innovations and creative destruction may spell disaster for some. At the same time there are recent studies indicating a long-run slow-down in R&D productivity as if ideas are increasingly harder to find and exploit, in turn calling for increased R&D spendings. So what can we learn from past and current Nobel Laureates in economics about issues like these?
To book your place, please register here:
Department of Engineering
Lecture Theatre 0 – LT0
Baker Building
Trumpington Street
Bio: Prof. Ove Granstrand is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. He has served over 30 years as professor in Industrial management and economics at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, specializing in the economics and management of technology, IP and innovation. He has spent many years as Visiting Professor at Department of Economics at Stanford University. Presently he is the Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor at the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge, working particularly with the Centre for Technology Management and the Innovation and IP Management research group. He has published extensively, his latest book being “Evolving Properties of Intellectual Capitalism - Patents and Innovations for Growth and Welfare” (Elgar Publ. 2018). See www.ip-research.org