IfM welcomes Mexican delegation

Prof Gregory (centre) and David Probert (third from left) welcome the Mexican delegation to the IfM |
The IfM welcomed a delegation from the Mexican Embassy to the UK as part of a visit designed to strengthen ties between Cambridge and the Central American country.
The Mexican Ambassador to the UK, His Excellency Eduardo Medina Mora, was greeted by head of the IfM Professor Mike Gregory.
During the visit to the Alan Reece building Prof Gregory highlighted the institute’s engagement model for collaboration with governments and industry.
The group also heard of examples of studies for developing economies, tertiary education programmes for developing economies and approaches for business support.
His Excellency was accompanied by Ignacio Durán Loera, the Embassy’s Minister for Cultural Affairs, Alexandra Haas Director of the Business Bureau to the UK, Ireland and South Africa, ProMexico; Laura Querol, Responsible for education and technology cooperation, and José Bernardo Rosa- Fernandez Special Advisor for Latin America, of the Catedra Tech Transfer, CONACYT-Cambridge International Office, University of Cambridge.