IfM ECS helps create roadmap to boost European manufacturing through ICT research
The Road4FAME project aims at developing a ‘Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap for Future Architectures and Services for Manufacturing in Europe’. It focuses on architectures and services which facilitate agile and flexible manufacturing processes, ease interoperability in distributed manufacturing environments, support effective collaboration in context-aware enterprises and provide the foundations for sustainable manufacturing. The goal is not only to align forthcoming ICT research with manufacturers’ requirements, but also to provide European manufacturing businesses with a reference against which they can derive innovation strategies and identify novel business opportunities.
The project is run by a consortium of leading companies, manufacturing research centres and tech transfer organisations: THHINK Wireless Technologies Ltd (UK); Atos SA (Spain); Critical Manufacturing SA (Portugal); Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA (Germany); Steinbeis-EuropaZentrum (Germany); and IfM ECS.
More information can be found here.