Enhanced manufacturing website for the East of England

To reflect the importance of the manufacturing sector to the East of England's economy, the East of England Development Agency (EEDA), in consultation with key partners, has expanded the manufacturing station on its Business Map, the online resource that helps companies find a wide range of business support and funding options.
Manufacturing businesses make a significant contribution to the East of England's economy and there are a host of organisations providing invaluable insight and support but, as all those who work within the sector know, it can be difficult to navigate. The newly expanded manufacturing station on the East of England Development Agency's Business Map aims to address this.
The content provides information dedicated to this dynamic sector and addresses the lack of clarity. It demonstrates the region's cluster strengths and its benefits in terms of infrastructure. It also helps brings together the wealth of support and advice available to those working at every stage of the manufacturing lifecycle, plus news, events and success stories.
The site has been expanded with input from Business Link, MAS East, EEF, Hethel Engineering Centre, the Institute for Manufacturing and SEMTA and EEDA hopes that other partners will contribute news, events and case studies of relevance to help keep the site engaging.
For answers to your questions about manufacturing in the East of England go to www.bizmapeast.co.uk/manufacturing