Seed funding for interdisciplinary sustainable transport projects
The Circular Economy Network+ in Transportation Systems (CENTS) project, led at the IfM by Professor Steve Evans, is a collaborative project between Cambridge, Cranfield, Surrey and Warwick universities and the British Geological Survey.
The project aims to develop designs, business models and manufacturing approaches that will ensure future transport systems are inherently circular.
The project has received funding from the EPSRC to build a UK-wide community of academic, industry and policy experts to deliver high risk, multidisciplinary, research focusing initially on five research strands:
- Material stocks and flows in transportation
- Whole life design
- Circular Economy Decisions
- Circular Economy Transitions
- Digital Circularity
Call for applications
From 31 March 2020, CENTS invites proposals for collaborations between academic and industry partners that will enable cross-disciplinary, foresightful and risky early stage research. Applications involving Early Career Researchers (ECRs) are particularly encouraged.
Projects are expected to be approximately 6 months in length. The expectation is to fund up to five projects of up to a maximum value of £50,000 at full Economic Cost (fEC), with funding to be awarded at 80% fEC.
The deadline for applications is 7 May 2020. The call details and application form is available on the CENTS website.
Date published
1 April 2020
For further information please contact:
Dr Chandrika Nair