2015 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibition Boston

The Material’s Research Society is an organisation that provides a network and platform for materials researchers worldwide where different materials disciplines can integrate and collaborate. The organisation is driven by over 16,000 academia and industry members from across 80 countries. The MRS Meetings and Exhibits occur twice a year; a spring session and a fall session. The 2015 Fall session was held in Boston with over 50 symposia and attended by as many as 6000 researchers across the world. The meeting and exhibit not only technical sessions but also tutorials, career building seminars and many networking opportunities and outreach events.
Yoanna Shams from the Fluids in Advanced Manufacturing (FIAM) group and the EPSRC CDT in Ultra Precision presented at the 2015 Fall Meeting held in Boston from the 29th of November until the 4th of December. Yoanna presented her research to date in the Micro- and Nanoscale Processing of Materials for Biomedical Devices Symposium. The talked focused on the development of a hybrid inkjet / ultrafast laser technology for the digital fabrication of biomedical sensors. Results showing controlled printing and laser patterning of iron oxide catalyst nanoparticles for carbon nanotube growth and laser effects on biological materials were presented. Industrial relevance of the project and scale up opportunities were also discussed based on collaboration with project sponsors M-SOLV Ltd. and the Centre for Science Innovation and Policy (CSTI).