I4T: Academics
The academic collaborators for the I4T project.
University of Cambridge, Inkjet Research Centre, Institute for Manufacturing
Polymer Fluids Group, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
University of Durham, Department of Chemistry
- Professor Colin Bain
- Professor Jas Pal S. Badyal
- Dr Lisong Yang
- Dr Arganthael Berson
- Emma Talbot (PhD Student)
- Phil Brown (PhD Student)
- Department
- Research Group (Prof. Bain)
- Research Group (Prof. Badyal)
University of Leeds, Department of Applied Mathematics
- Dr Oliver Harlen
- Dr Neil Morrison
- Claire McIlroy (PhD Student)
- Research Group
Institute of Particle Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
- Professor Simon Biggs
- Dr Haui Nyin (Grace) Yow
- Mahoulo Ahouansou
- Department
- Research Group