Making the Business Case for Technologies: A five step process guide

Building on earlier research into evaluating early stage technology, this project focused on the process of building the business case for technology that has just left research and needs further funding, either internally or externally. The project team worked with mid-size and large companies to capture and analyse current practice. A five step process was developed with strong emphasis on working together with the internal or external customer to build a successful business case. The steps are:

  • Step 1: Identify: What problems can our technology solve?
  • Step 2: Select: How do we select potential customers?
  • Step 3: Understand: What do these customers really need?
  • Step 4: Develop: How can we develop a joint business case with the customer?
  • Step 5: Present: How do we present the case to close the deal?

The workbook includes case examples of the process of building the business case and hints and tips on how to improve practice. 


75.00 plus P&P

ISBN 978-1-902546-81-0