How to get involved
The Inkjet Research Centre has established an Inkjet Interest Group as part of the EPSRC and industry funded project investigating fundamental aspects of inkjet. This group meets regularly to hear and, as appropriate, present talks on inkjet related subjects followed by a dinner during which there will be a chance to discuss the talks and other topics. As well as hearing presentations by invited speakers this is an opportunity to meet others in various industries with similar interests.
Inkjet Interest Group Meetings
The last meeting was held in St John’s College, Cambridge on Wednesday, 22 February 2017. The speakers were:
Professor Simon Gaisford, University College London.
"Inkjet Printing in Pharmaceutics"
Neil Hopkinson, Xaar plc.
"High-speed sintering (HSS) - an inkjet-based manufacturing process"
The next meeting will be held in June/July 2018
Future events
If you would like to receive further information about future events please join the mailing list by contacting:
Alice Gregory
T: 01223 765598