
Dr Veronica Martinez


Dr. Veronica Martinez (FHEA) is a Lecturer in the Cambridge Service Alliance at University of Cambridge. She is a Director of Studies of Sidney Sussex College. Veronica is a visiting professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany and the Hong Kong Polytechnique University. Prior she worked at the Cranfield and Strathclyde Universities as researcher and lecturer.


Veronica's research expertise focuses on the fields of the Digital Platforms such as Blockchain and Digital Twins, Business Model Innovation, Strategic Value Creation, Services and Performance Measurement Systems. Veronica’s current projects include the effect of Digital Technologies in Smart Services and the Digital Healthcare Wearable Services.


Veronica has led and participated in large European and UK research projects in products and services. She works in multidisciplinary teams investigating and supporting organizations in their servitization journeys such as, MAN Trucks, Microlise, Roll-Royce, Rockwell, IBM, among others. Before her academic career, she worked in Daimler-Chrysler, Highland Spring, COMIMSA and Daks Group. Veronica is an active organizer of conferences' tracks and panel sessions in conferences such as Production and Operations Management, Academy of Management and PMA. She is a member of the manufacturing futures network. She is a permanent and occasional reviewer of high impact journals such as the international Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Operations and Production Management and Production, Planning and Control. Veronica is a board member of the European Operations Management Association.


Publications on blockchain

Report: Martinez V. (2020); “Blockchain drives performance in supply chains”. Si5 Service in Industry HUB. Service Industry Community. Feb 25.


Report: Martinez V., Noblett A. and Burstall C. (2020); “Blockchain: Blockchain: Developing a pilot that delivered business results”. Cambridge Service Alliance Report. Institute for Manufacturing. University of Cambridge.


Report: Martinez V., Noblett A. and Burstall C. (2019); “Blockchain: Boosting productivity, traceability and customer experience in supply chains”. Institute for Manufacturing Review. Autum/Winter. Issue 11: 14-16.


Journal article: Martinez V., Zhao M., Blujdea C., Han X., Neely A. and Albores P. (2019). Blockchain–Driven Customer Order Management. International Journal of Production and Operations Management. 39 (6/7/8): 993-1022. (Accepted – 4th July 2019; Published 2nd Dec 2019). ISSN:0144-3577


Conference paper: Martinez V. et al (2019) ‘Blockchain driving supply chain outcomes’ EurOMA Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 17-19 June.


Field Book: Martinez V., Kingston J., Evans S. Gaiardelli P., Raffoni A., Vladimirova D. and Claes B. (2011). Organisational transformation for effective delivery of integrated products and services: thoughts on practice.  Field Book. ISBN 978-0-9571374-1-7.

Report: Martinez V. and Huss N. (2021); Digital twins: Thought leadership in the satellite industry. Institute for Manufacturing.


IfM Insights: To remain competitive, aerospace companies need to get digital twins right


Blog: How digital twins disrupt service business models


Report: Martinez V., Gómez Medina F., Wollermann Umpierrez A. and Fromm H. (2021); Digital twins in the aerospace sector: Maturity model, practices and opportunitiesInstitute for Manufacturing/Cambridge Service Alliance.


Conference paper: Martinez V. and Neely A (2018) ‘Digital Twins and Business Models’ EurOMA Conference, 25th International EurOMA Conference in Budapest, Hungary, 22-27 June.


Other publications


Blog posts


Exploring the journey to sevices


Test, Tag and Trace: A digital solution for getting back to the office safely




Dr Veronica Martinez explains that UK manufacturing companies often cannot compete on price alone, while product differentiation is getting more difficult and expensive. Services are the key to creating a more diversified business and to building stronger customer relationships, she argues.


Veronica suggests that in future, the interaction of systems, processes and technology will provide a route to ‘total solutions’ for customers. Examples mentioned are miniaturisation to drive connectivity of services, and mass personalisation.


Webinar: Test, Tag and Trace: A digital solution for getting back to the office safely


Add a service dimension to your business with Dr Veronica Martinez


Strategic Approaches to Digitalisation


60 seconds with Dr Veronica Martinez - The Value of Performance Measurement


60 seconds with Dr Veronica Martinez - Overcoming the Pitfalls of Performance Measurement




Martinez V, Neely A, Ren G, Smart A (2008) High Value Manufacturing in an Era of Globalisation. AIM Research/Technology Strategy Board.


Martinez Veronica, Neely Andrew, Ren Guangjie, Smart Andi (2008) High Value Manufacturing: Delivering on the Promise. Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM).


Martinez Veronica, Kennerley Mike, Harpley Richard, Wakelen Richard, Hart Kathy, Webb James (2008) Impact of Performance Measurement and Management Systems. Cranfield School of Management.


Bourne M, Franco-Santos M, Pavlov A, Lucianetti L, Martinez V, Mura M (2008) The impact of Investors In People and people management practices on firm performance. Cranfield University. 


Neely A, Micheli P, Martinez V (2006) Acting on information: lessons from theory and practice. National Audit Office.


Journal articles


Honary M., Martinez V., Wlazlowski T., Helal S., von Oertzen H. and Honary S., “Getting the country back to work, safely: A digital solution”, ACM Digital Government: Research and Practice, COVID-19 Commentary: Rapid Responses, Government Policies, and Impacts, (Accepted for publication July 2020)


Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Neely, A. and Martinez, V. (2020), "Digital transforming capability and performance: a microfoundational perspective", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, (in print)


Kohtamäki M., Henneberg S., Martinez V., Kimita K. and Gebauer H. (2019) ‘A Configurational Approach to Servitization: Review and Research Directions’, Service Science. 11(3):213-240 (Accepted, 9th July 2019). ISSN 2164-3962 (print), ISSN 2164-3970 (online)


Martinez V. (2019) ‘Bridging to New Service Technology: Introduction to the Special Issue from the Cambridge Service Alliance’s Service Week Conference’, Service Science. 11(3):155-156. ISSN 2164-3962 (print), ISSN 2164-3970 (online)


Huaccho-Huatuco L., Martinez, V., Burgess, T. and Shaw N. (2019) “High Value Manufacturing (HVM) in the UK: Case studies and focus group insights”. Production Planning and Control. 30(1); 60-75


Matzner M., Buttgen M., Demirkan H., Spohrer J., Alter S., Fritzsche A., Ng I., Jonas J., Martinez V., Moslein K. and Neely A. (2018); “Digital Transformation in Service Management “. SMR · Journal of Service Management Research. 2(02/2018): 3–21
DOI: 10.15358/2511-8676-2018-2-3


Maestrini V., Luccini D., Caniato F., Martinez V., Neely A.; “The Relationship Regulator: a buyer-supplier collaborative performance measurement system”. International Journal of Production and Operations Management (Accepted)


Martinez V., Neely A. and Velu C, Leinster-Evans S. and Bisessar D. (2017); “Exploring the journey to services”. Special issue in "Service Implementation on Manufacturing firms: Strategy, Economics and Practice”. International Journal of Production Economics. 192: 66-80


Martinez V., Pouthas V., and Smith D. (2017), “Making the transition to services in the animal health industry,” American Journal of Medical Research [ISSN 2334-4814] 4(1): 34–49 


Gaiardelli P., Martinez V. and Cavalleri S. (2015); “The strategic transition to services: A dominant logic perspective and its implications for operations”. Special issue editorial. Production Planning and Control. Vol. 26 (14-15): 1165-1170   


Gaiardelli P., Resta B., Martinez V., Pinto R. and Albores P. (2014); “A classification model for product-service offerings”; Journal of Cleaner Production; Vol. 66: 507-519


Raja J, Bourne D, Goffin K, Cakkol M, Martinez V (2013)   Achieving Customer Satisfaction through Integrated Products and Services: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30 (6) 1128-1144.


Goffin K, Raja JZ, Claes B, Szwejczewski M, Martinez V (2012)   Rigor in qualitative supply chain management research: Lessons from applying repertory grid technique. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 42 (8/9) 804-827.


Macdonald E, Wilson H, Martinez V, Toossi A (2011) Assessing value-in-use: A conceptual framework and exploratory studyIndustrial Marketing Management, 40 (5) 671-682.


Martinez V, Bastl M, Kingston J, Evans E (2010) Challenges in transforming manufacturing organisations into product-service providersJournal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 21 (4) 449-469.


Peng T-J A, Lin N-J, Martinez V, Yu C-M J (2010) Managing Triads in a Military Avionics Service Maintenance Network in TaiwanInternational Journal of Operations and Production Management, 30 (4) 398-422.


Martinez V, Pavlov A, Bourne M (2010) Reviewing performance: an analysis of the structure and functions of performance management reviews.  Production Planning & Control, 21 (1) 70-83.


Baines TS, Lightfoot HW, Evans S, Neely A, Greenough R, Peppard J, Roy R, Shehab E, Braganza A, Tiwari A, Alcock JR, Angus JP, Basti M, Cousens A, Irving P, Johnson M, Kingston J, Lockett H, Martinez V, Micheli P, Tranfield D, Walton IM, Wilson H (2007)   State-of-the-art in product-service systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 221 (10) 1543-1552.


Franco-Santos M, Kennerley M, Micheli P, Martinez V, Mason S, Marr B, Gray D, Neely A (2007) Towards a definition of a business performance measurement systemInternational Journal of Operations and Production Management, 27 (8) 784-801.


Martinez Veronica, Bititci Umit S (2006) Aligning value propositions in supply chains.International Journal of Value Chain Management, 1 (1) 6-18.


Martinez V (2006) Make promises that turn customers into loyal allies.  Supply Chain Strategy,  () -.


Bromley M, Cuthbertson R, Martinez V, Kennerley M (2006) Performance management at EDF Energy: ambition into action.  Measuring Business Excellence, 10 (3) 23-30.


Bititci Umit S, Mendibil Kepa, Martinez Veronica, Albores Pavel (2005) Measuring and Managing Performance in Extended EnterprisesInternational Journal of Operations and Production Management, 25 (3-4) 333-353.


Bourne M, Franco-Santos M, Kennerley M, Martinez V (2005) Reflections on the role, use and benefits of corporate performance measurement in the UKMeasuring Business Excellence, 9 (3) 36-41.


Martinez V (2004) Performance measurement and management systems.  ARLOG (Argentine Association of Logistics),  () -.


Bititci Umit S, Martinez Veronica, Albores Pavel, Parung Joniarto (2004) Creating and Managing Value in Collaborative NetworksInternational Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 34 (3/4) 251-268.


Trevor T, Martinez V, Bititci U (2004)   Managing the value delivery processes. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 34 (3-4) 302-318.


Bititci U, Martinez V, Albores P, Mendible K (2003) Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage in Collaborative Systems: The What? And The How?.  , 14 (5) 410-424.


Langford D, Martinez V, Bititci U (2003) Best value in construction - towards an interpretation of value from client and constructor perspectives.  Construction Procurement, 9 (1) -.


Conference papers


Martinez V (2021 - forthcoming). Scientific committee of the EurOMA 2021 International Conference 2021 in Berlin, Germany. 4-7 July 2021 (Estrel Hotel).


Martinez V. Blome C. (2019) Chair and Speaker of the next EurOMA & IJOPM Developmental Papers Workshop in Manufacturing and/or Services “ Euroma, Finland, 17-19 June.


Martinez V. (2018) ‘Servitization and Service Innovation in the Digital Age’ EurOMA Conference, 25th International EurOMA Conference in Budapest, Hungary, 22-27 June. Conference Track Organiser


Martinez V., Šikšnius., K, Albores A. and Neely A. (2017); “Scaling services up: a critical success factor in servitization”; AHFE Conference Human Side of Service Engineering; Los Angeles, CA. US, 16-20 July


Martinez V. and Neely A. (2017); “Bridging to “new” service technology” in Academic Conference during the 2017 Service Week; University of Cambridge University, Oct 5th – 6th


Martinez V. and Neely A. (2016); “Services in an age of digital disruption” in Academic Conference during the 2016 Service Week; University of Cambridge University, Oct 5th – 6th


Martinez V., Neely A. and Spohrer (2015); “What is next in Services” in Academic Conference during the 2015 Service Week; University of Cambridge University, Oct 1st – 2nd


Greve K., Martinez V. Jonas J. and Neely A. (2017); “Facilitating co-creation in living labs: the customer perspective””; 9th Service Operations Management Forum in Services; Copenhagen, Denmark; 3-4 Dec


Greve K., Martinez V., Jonas J., Neely A. and Moslein K. (2016); “Facilitating co-creation in living labs: the JOSEPH’s case”; European Academy of Management Conference; Trondheim, Norway, 20-22 June


Martinez V. Pouthas V., Neely A., Smith D., Solomon M., Gibbs J. and Leinster-Evans S. (2015); “Making the shift to services in the animal heath industry”; European Academy of Management Conference; Neuchatel, Switzerland, 30 June


Maestrini V., Martinez V., Neely A.  (2015); “The Relationship Regulator: a buyer-supplier collaborative performance measurement system”; PMA Symposium, Bologna, Italy, 23-25 Sep.


Greve K., Martinez V. and Neely A. (2015); “Exploring service co-creation in living labs: A systematic literature review”; 8th Service Operations Management Forum in Service Innovation: concepts, platforms, business models; Neuremberg, Germany; 3-4 Dec


Martinez V. (2015); “The service transition journey: preliminary analysis of a pilot study”; QUIS 14, Shanghai, China; June, 19


Martinez V. (2014); “Customer Perspective on Services”; Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; August, 1-5


Giardelli P., Resta B. and Martinez V. (2012); “Classification of product-service business models” EUROMA SERVICE Conference; Cambridge, UK; September, 19.


Cakkol M, Johnson M, Martinez V, Shehab E (2010)  Challenges for Integrating Suppliers into Product-Service Systems Design.  Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS), Lake Como 03- 05 October  2010.


Claes B, Martinez V (2010)  Servitization Ecology; Changing Product-Centric Manufacturers To Become Product-Service Providers.  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal 06- 10 August  2010.


Martinez V, Pavlov A, Bourne M (2009)  Reviewing performance: An analysis of the structure and functions of performance management reviews.  PMA 2009 Performance Management Association Conference, Dunedin 14- 17 April  2009.


Bourne M, Mura M, Franco-Santos M, Pavlov A, Martinez V, Lucianetti L (2009)  Performance Management Practices and the Drivers of Business Performance.  PMA 2009 Performance Management Association Conference, Dunedin 14- 17 April  2009.


Martinez V, Bititci U (2009)  A framework for understanding operational & strategic implications of product-service organisations.  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago.


Bourne M, Franco-Santos M, Pavlov A, Martinez V, Lucianetti L (2008)  Performance management practices and their impact on organisational performance: implications for HR and performance measurement research.  EurOMA 15th Annual Conference, Groningen15- 18 June  2008.


Martinez Veronica, Kennerley M (2007)  Impact of performance management reviews: evidence from an energy supplier.


Martinez V (2006)  Effects of performance reviews.  Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta.


Martinez V, Kennerley M (2005)  Performance measurement systems: Benefits.  EURAM Annual Conference, Munich.


Martinez V (2004)  Managing value creation at the CEO's level.  Value - oder was versteht die Industrie unter Werttschofung?, Stuttgart.


Martinez V, Kennerley M, Neely A (2004)  Impact of performance measurement and management systems: a methodological approach.  British Academy of Management Conference, St Andrews.


Neely A, Kennerley M, Martinez V (2004)  Does the balanced scorecard work: an empirical investigation.  EurOMA International Conference, Fontainebleau.


Neely A, Kennerley M, Martinez V (2004)  Does the Balanced Scorecard work: An empirical investigation.  PMA 2004 Conference, Edinburgh.


Martinez V, Albores P (2003)  Qualitative Research in OM: Criteria for evaluation.  10th EurOMA Conference, Lake Como 16- 18 June  2003.


Martinez V (2003)  Managing value creation - the 'value matrix and the value cube' frameworks to describe and create value.  Improving Business Performance Conference, Glasgow.


Albores P, Martinez V, Bititci U (2003)  A proposed extended enterprise architecture and its implications for knowledge management.  10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, Madeira.


Martinez V, Albores P (2003)  Performance indicators for the evaluation and control of research in OM: the qualitative research case.  3rd international workshop in performance measurement, Bergamo.


Martinez V, Albores P (2003)  Qualitative research in operations management: criteria for evaluation.  EurOMA & POMS Joint International Conference, Lake Como.


Bititci U, Martinez V, Albores P (2002)  Creating and sustaining competitive advantage through collaborative systems.  2002 IFIP W.G. 5.7 Conference 'Advanced Production Management Systems', Eindhoven.


Coscia E, Maiza M, HGauberti C, Arana J, Zufiaurre M, Meo F, Galassini M, Leveaux J, Smithers T, Bititci U, Martinez V, Albores P (2002)  K-FLOW: Knowledge management in the extended manufacturing enterprise.  2002 e-business and e-work Conference, Prague.


Martinez V, Bititci U (2002)  The value cube, a tool to create value: origins and applications.  IEEE International Engineering Management Conference, Cambridge.


Martinez V, Bititci U, Carrie A (2001)  Construction of the corporate architecture of the value cube.  IFIP WG 5.7 International Working Conference on Strategic Manufacturing, Aalborg.


Martinez V (2001)  Creating sustainable advantage through the performance measurement of competencies and capabilities.  International Manufacturing Conference-18: Competitive Manufacturing, Dublin.


Martinez V, Bititci U (2001)  The value matrix and its evolution.  EurOMA Conference, Bath.




Martinez V, Lockett H, Toossi A (2011) Assessing the value-in-use of product-service systems: a step by step guide. Cranfield University/ EPSRC/IMRC.


Martinez V, Kingston J, Evans S. Gaiardelli P, Raffoni A, Vladimirova D, Claes B (2011) Organisational transformation for effective delivery of integrated products and services: thoughts on practice. Cranfield University/EPSRC/IMRC. Field Book. ISBN 978-0-9571374-1-7. 


Book chapters

Martinez V, Turner T (2011) Designing competitive service models.  Service Design and Delivery, Macintyre M, Parry G, Angelis J (ed.). Springer.


Martinez V, Kennerley M (2007) Impact of performance management reviews: evidence from an energy supplier.  Performance Management Systems: Case Studies, Ramani V. V. (ed.). The Icfai University Press.


Contact Details

T: +44(0)1223 766141
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