Current position
- Emeritus Reader in Innovation Studies
- Fellow of Clare Hall
- Affiliate Faculty, Judge Business School, Cambridge
- University of Cambridge Engineering Department, since 1985
BA (Univ. of Oxford) PhD (Univ. of California, Berkeley)
Professional Experience
Working closely with high tech companies, small and large, Dr Garnsey has experience on the university-industry interface, on support for new business in incubation centres and science parks and on acquisition by and joint ventures with larger corporations. She has been monitoring the progress of high tech firms in Cambridge since 1988 and was a founder and academic organiser of the first Cambridge Enterprise Conferences. She was seconded to St John’s Innovation Centre as an advisor and researcher 2000-2002. She has been advisor to the Bank of England, the Treasury and the Confederation of British Industry on high tech enterprise and an Expert Witness to Parliamentary committees. She has worked on the Shell Springboard Programme for young environmental companies. Her research on Daylight Saving has been cited in Parliament. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of Camfed. In 2011 she was a Visiting Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and is engaged in on-going work with NUS colleagues.
Research Interests
- Environmental policy and practice
- Technology transfer, Disruptive Innovation
- Technology enterprise, particularly in clean tech, biopharm and new materials
- Business development, complexity studies
- Institutional Innovation: Daylight Saving
Elizabeth Garnsey is a member of the Centre for Technology Management at the Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge University and Affiliate Faculty at the Judge Business School, Cambridge University.
Selected Publications
For a more complete list of Dr Garnsey's publications click here
NOTE: These working papers are available for free download from the CTM working papers page.
- 2011), Market Failure, market dynamics and entrepreneurial innovation by environmental ventures. In Rolf Wustenhangen and Rober Wuebker, Eds, Handbook of Research on Energy Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing , (
- 2011), Daylight saving, electricity demand and emissions: the British Case, Ch. 18 in Jamasb, T., Pollitt, M., eds, The Future of Electricity Demand, Customers, Citizens and Loads, Cambridge University Press , (
- 2011), Value Generation in Science and Enterprise: University-Industry Collaboration in the Case of CAMPATH-1 CTM Working Papers, IfM 2011/05, October 2011 , (
- 2011), How do High-Growth Firms Grow? Evidence from Cambridge, UK, CTM Working Papers, IfM 2011/04, August 2011 , (
- 2011), Opportunities and Resources for Disruptive Technological Innovation 2011/03, CTM Working Papers, IfM July 2011 July 2011 , (
- 2011), Entrepreneurship and Global Health CTM Working Papers, IfM 2011/01, April 2011 , (
- 2010)), 'Evolving Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy: Technology Incubation at Philips', R&D Management, 40 (1), 81-90. . , (
- 2010)), Innovation as response to emissions legislation: revisiting the automotive catalytic converter at Johnson Matthey', R&D Management, 40, 2, 154-168. , (
- 2010), The impact on energy consumption of daylight saving clock changes', Energy Policy 38/9, 4955-4965. , (
- 2010), The emergence and development of the Cambridge ink jet printing industry"', in Fornahl, D., Hen S., Menzel M., Emerging Clusers, Thoeretical, Empirical and Political Perspectives on the Initial Stage of Cluster Evolution, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. , (
- 2009, Daylight Saving, Electricity Demand and Emissions; Exploratory Studies from Great Britain
NOTE: A version of this paper is forthcoming in Jamasb, T. and Pollitt, M., Eds. (2011), Electricity and Heat Demand in a Low-Carbon World: Customers, Citizens and Loads, Cambridge University Press.
, October - 2008, Speciation through entrepreneurial spin-off: The Acorn-ARM story, Research Policy 37 210- 224 ,
- 2008, Combining Resource-Based and Evolutionary Theory to Explain the Genesis of Bio-networks, Industry and Innovation Vol 15 no. 6: 669-686 (18) ,
- 2008, Commercialising Nano-innovations from University Spin-out companies, Nanotechnology Perceptions Vol 4 December ,
- Interview - Bronwen Rees interviews Elizabeth Garnsey. Interconnections Issue 2, 2008 Perspectives on Sustainability Directions for environmental innovation – time, space and enterprise pp. 20 - 26. [Download PDF file of interview]
- 2008, Chapter 7 Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Economy, in J Bessant, T Venables, eds., 2008,‘Creating Wealth from Knowledge’ ,
- 2007), Daylight Saving in GB; Is there evidence in favour of clock time on GMT?
This unpublished pilot study was abridged and updated in October 2010 [Download 2010 version]. Regression findings from a more extensive modelling exercise supercede those in the 2007 version of the paper and are reported in a new paper: forthcoming in Jamasb, T. and Pollitt, M., Eds. (2011), Electricity and Heat Demand in a Low-Carbon World: Customers, Citizens and Loads, Cambridge University Press.
, (19 October - 2006), Complexity and Co-evolution; continuity and change in socio-economic systems, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 219 pp. , (
- 2006), 'Commercializing generic technology: The case of advanced materials ventures', Research Policy, 35(3), pp. 375-393. (
- 2005), 'High Tech Clustering through Spin Out and Attraction; the Cambridge Case', Regional Studies, Vol. 39.8, pp. 1127-1144, November 2005. (
- 2005), 'Growth Setbacks in New Firms', Futures, 37, p 675-697. (
- 2006, New Firm Growth: Exploring Processes and Paths, Industry and Innovation, Volume 13.1 pp 1-20 ,
- 2004), 'Problem-Solving and Competence Creation in New Firms', Managerial and Decision Economics, vol 26 pp 139-148. (
- 2004), 'Do Academic Spin-off Firms Differ and Does it Matter? Journal of Technology Transfer, 29,269-285. , (
- 2004), 'Complex Processes and Innovative Places; The Evolution of High Tech Cambridge and Sophia-Antipolis' , International Journal of Technology Management, 28, (3-6), 336-355. (
- 2003), 'Developmental Conditions of UK biopharmaceutical ventures', Innovation Management, Policy and Practice, vol 5 issue 2-3 Nov - Dec 2003 pp 99-119. (
- 2002) 'The growth of new ventures: analysis after Penrose.' In Pitelis, C. (ed.): The growth of the firm: the legacy of Edith Penrose. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.101-125 (
- 2002), 'The Emergence of Electronic Messaging and the Growth of Four Entrepreneurial Entrants' in Oakey R. , DuringW., Kauser S, Eds, 2002, New Technology-based Firms in the New Millenium Volume 2Pergamon Press, Amsterdam, (ISBN: 00080441335) pp.97-123 , (
- 2001), 'Lean information and the Role of the Internet ' in Food Retailing in the United Kingdom in Tracking a Transformation, E-Commerce and the Terms of Competition in Industries, 2001, BRIE -IGCE E-conomy Project, The Brookings Institution, Washington D.C. Download PDF file Posted with permission. , (
More publications
- 1999) "Building production competence and enhancing organizational capabilities through acquistion: the case of Mitsubishi Electric." International Journal of Technology Management, 17(3): 312-333 (
- 1998, 'Proximity and Complexity in the Emergence of high Technology Industry: The Oxbridge Comparison', Geoforum, vol 29 no 4 pp 433-450 ,
- 1998, 'The Genesis of the High Technology Milieu: A study in complexity', International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol 22 No 3 pp 361-377 ,
- 1998, 'A theory of the early growth of the firm', Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 7 no. 3. pp 523-556 (Oxford University Press). ,
- Institute for Manufacturing
- 17 Charles Babbage Road
- Cambridge CB3 0FS
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asset Management
- Business Model Innovation
- Computer Aided Manufacturing
- Decision-Making for Emerging Technologies
- Design Management
- Digital Manufacturing
- Distributed Information & Automation Laboratory
- Fluids in Advanced Manufacturing
- Healthcare
- Industrial Photonics
- Industrial Resilience
- Industrial Sustainability
- Inkjet Research
- Innovation and Intellectual Property
- International Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Industry Education Research
- NanoManufacturing
- Science, Technology & Innovation Policy
- Strategy and Performance
- Technology Enterprise
- Technology Management
- Service Alliance
- University Commercialisation and Innovation Policy Evidence Unit