Capturing value from global networks

A ‘global value network’ consists of all the value-adding firms involved in the supply of products and services to end users. Managing these networks has become increasingly challenging as firms specialise within the value chain and become more globally dispersed. This report describes the research and real- world application of innovative approaches for guiding strategy and policy in this rapidly changing field.

The imperative

The vertically integrated business of the twentieth century has become the ‘global value network’ of today. Organisations that are able to align these complex  value networks with their strategic aims have an  opportunity to achieve clear differentiation from their  competitors.

Integrated research and practice

The IfM’s Centre for International Manufacturing (CIM) pursues an extensive programme of research and real-world application of new approaches for the strategic configuration of global value networks, working closely with a community of industrialists, policymakers and academics.





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Event: Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium


The annual Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium is the chance to hear from world-leading business figures and thinkers on the challenges facing modern manufacturing. It is a unique event that brings together senior industrialists and leading academics to share approaches and experiences in this strategic domain. 


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