
Bill Wicksteed

Senior Research Associate

Bill Wicksteed was part of the first intake to the University of York in 1963 and has a degree in economics with statistics.


Career to date

He has recently retired from the consultancy SQW Ltd having helped guide the firm's development since 1984. Prior to that he worked first in the City, then for a firm of architects and planners and the Welsh Development Agency. Through this work he has gained varied experience in strategy formulation, plan preparation, project appraisal and the evaluation of policy programmes.


Work focus

In recent years he has focused on three topics: research commercialisation (including university spin-outs); regional innovation policy (covering regions in the UK and overseas); and the development of places as nodes of excellence in the global knowledge economy. His experience of work outside the UK, covers countries in Europe, Africa, the Americas and Asia. He was a member of the Advisory Panel for Singapore's one north development for its first 8 years.

 Until reaching retirement age he held a part time post with IfM  as an SRA. He is currently a visiting research fellow and in 2023/4 focussed on the supply and demand for technicians in Cambridge’s high tech cluster.

 His final contribution to SQW’s work, in 2024, was as an adviser for the evaluative review of the English Government’s Office for Technology Transfer.

Contact Details

T: +44(0) 1223 766141
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