
Muhammad Yusuf Khan


Yusuf is a Research Intern working with Professor Ronan Daly, and Dr Niamh Fox as part of the Nanofutures Scholars program run by the NanoDTC at the University of Cambridge. Currently, his main research focus is on studying the Microfluidics and diffusivity of Fluorescent Nano particles in flow through hydrogel barriers as part of an interdisciplinary research collaboration of chemists and engineers aimed at working toward developing targeted therapeutic delivery for hard-to-treat cancers. 

Yusuf is expecting to complete a four year undergraduate honors degree course in Biochemistry and is an Avid amature Microscopist skilled in preparing specimens for viewing, imaging and classifying using various microscopes.  He had previously worked at Computer Aid International at Brunswick Industrial Park refurbishing and repairing computers for use in classrooms across the world. His interests include laboratory experiments, research and data analysis of biological activity using machine learning models with a keen interest in the implementation of computational imaging techniques for medicinal drug discovery of key biochemical molecules. 

Contact Details

T: +(0)1223 766141
M: 07506400740
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