Dr Man Hang Yip
Academic Collaborator
Man Hang Yip (Yip) joined IfM in October 2010 as a part-time PhD student in the Centre for Technology Management under the supervision of David Probert and Rob Phaal. She obtained her PhD in July 2015, with the dissertation titled “Healthcare product-service system characterisation - implications for design”. Her research interest was in developing methods to characterise product-service system (PSS) for integrating stakeholders and environmental concerns in the engineering design process. Yip is currently collaborating with CTM to explore the generalisability and applicability of the PSS characterisation scheme developed in her PhD research.
Research Interests
- System typologies for engineering design
- Stakeholder identification and influence in the engineering design process
- Integration of environmental / contextual concerns in engineering design
- Relationships between stakeholder engagement in the engineering design process and system typologies
- System representation for design
- Industry applications of research-based technology management tools
Yip has over 15 years of professional experience as an operations excellence expert in various multinational manufacturers in the UK and China, and as a management consultant for companies in North Asia, Greater China and South East Asia. Before her PhD, Yip holds a Bachelor of Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), a Master of Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, U.S.A., and an MBA (IT Management) from the HKUST. She is a Chartered Engineer and a certified lean six sigma Black Belt.
- Yip, M. H., Phaal, R. and Probert, D. R.(2012), 'Value co-creation in early stage new product-service system development', Proceedings of the 3rd Service Design and Innovation Conference (ServDes. 2012), Espoo, Finland, 8-10 February.
- Yip, M. H. (2015). Healthcare product-service system characterisation - implications for design. University of Cambridge.
- Yip, M. H., Phaal, R, & Probert, D. R. (2015). Characterising product-service systems in the healthcare industry. Technology in Society, doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2015.05.014.
- Yip, M. H., Juhola, T. (2015). Stakeholder involvement in software system development – insights into the influence of product-service ratio. Technology in Society, doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2015.05.006.
- Yip, M. H., Phaal, R., & Probert, D. R. (2014). Stakeholder engagement in early stage product-service system development for healthcare informatics. Engineering Management Journal, 26(3), 52–62.
- Juhola, T, Yip, M. H., Hyrynsalmi, S., Mäkilä, T., & Leppänen, V. (2014). The Connection of the Stakeholder Cooperation Intensity and Team Agility in Software Development. Proceedings 2014 IEEE ICMIT, p. 199–204.
- Yip, M. H., Phaal, R., & Probert, D. R. (2014). Characterizing product-service systems in the healthcare industry. 2014 Proceedings PICMET’ 14 Infrastructure and Service Integration, p. 3450–64.
- Yip, M.H., Juhola, T. (2014). The influence of product and service ratio on the stakeholder interaction in software system development. 2014 Proceedings PICMET’ 14 Infrastructure and Service Integration, p. 2269–79.
- Yip, M. H., Phaal, R., & Probert, D. R. (2013). Stakeholder engagement in early stage product-service system development for healthcare informatics. 2013 Proceedings PICMET’13 Technology Management for Emerging Technologies, p. 2564–74.
- Yip, M. H., Phaal, R., Probert, D. R. (2013). Healthcare product-service system development: which stakeholder to engage and when? XXIV ISPIM Conf. – Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth, Helsinki, Finland, 16-19 June 2013, The Proceedings of The XXIV ISPIM Conference - Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth, 2013.
- Yip, M. H., Phaal, R., Probert, D. R. (2012). Characterizing product-service systems in the healthcare industry – an internal stakeholder perspective. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM 2012), p. 1736–40.
- Yip, M. H., Phaal, R., & Probert, D. R. (2012). Value co-creation in early stage new product-service system development. In S. Tossavainen, Päivi J.; Harjula, Milla; Holmlid (Ed.), Proceedings of 3rd Service Design and Service Innovation Conference, ServDes. 2012, Espoo, Finland, 8-10 February (pp. 287–298). Espoo, Finland: Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 67 . Linköping, Sweden: Linköping University Electronic Press. Retrieved from http://www.ep.liu.se/ecp/067/ecp12067.pdf

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