Professor Mohamed Zaki is the Deputy Director of the Cambridge Service Alliance at the University of Cambridge, a research centre that brings together the world’s leading firms and academics to address service challenges. He serves as a member of the editorial advisory board of the Journal of Service Management.
Mohamed received his PhD in Business Analytics from the Alliance Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester in 2013. Since then, his research interests have centred on digital service transformation, particularly the application of artificial intelligence (AI), to design and manage customer experience and create new data-driven business models.
Mohamed has more than 100 publications in highly ranked service management journals, such as the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Business Research, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, PloS ONE, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of Services Marketing as well as practical outlets such as Harvard Business Review.
Mohamed raised over £8 million from the research council and industry to fund his research. He is a recipient of many international awards. Mohamed has also consulted and lectured for over 50 organisations, including Manchester United, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, CEMEX, Caterpillar, IKEA, HCL Tech, Bouygues and many others.
Key Publications
Published/Accepted Journal Articles
- Parasuraman, A; Ball, Joan; Aksoy, Lerzan; Keiningham, Timothy; Zaki, Mohamed (2020), "More than a Feeling?: Toward A Theory of Customer Delight", Journal of Service Management, Forthcoming.
- Holmlund, Maria, Vaerenbergh, Yves Van; Ciuchita, Robert; Ravald, Annika ; Sarantopoulos, Panagiotis; Villarroel Ordenes, Francisco; Zaki, Mohamed (2020),“ Customer Experience Management in the Age of Big Data Analytics: A Strategic Framework”, Journal of Business Research, Forthcoming.
- Zaki, Mohamed, McColl-Kennedy, Janet (2020),"Text Mining Analysis Roadmap (TMAR) for Service Research", Journal of Services Marketing, Forthcoming.
- Zaki, Mohamed, (2019), "Digital Transformation: Harnessing Digital Technologies for the Next Generation of Services", Journal of Services Marketing, 33 (4),429-435.
- Zaki, Mohamed, Theodoulidis, Babis, Shapira, Philip, Neely, Andy, Tepel, Matthias (2019), “Redistributed Manufacturing and the Impact of Big Data: A Consumer Goods Perspective”, Journal of Production Planning & Control, 30 (7), 568-581.
- McColl-Kennedy, J. R., Zaki, M., Lemon, K. N., Urmetzer, F. & Neely, A. (2019). “Gaining customer experience insights that matter”, Journal of Service Research, 21(1), 8-26.
- Ruth N. Bolton, Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, Lilliemay Cheung, Andrew Gallan, Chiara Orsingher, Lars Witell, Mohamed Zaki, (2018) "Customer experience challenges: bringing together digital, physical and social realms", Journal of Service Management, 29 (5), 776-808.
- Timothy Keiningham , Joan Ball , Sabine Benoit (née Moeller) , Helen L. Bruce , Alexander Buoye , Julija Dzenkovska , Linda Nasr , Yi-Chun Oh , Mohamed Zaki , (2017) "The interplay of customer experience and commitment", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 31 Iss: 2.
- Zaki, Mohamed, Babis Theodoulidis, Philip Shapira, Andy Neely, and Efe Surekli (2017), “ScienceDirect The Role of Big Data to Facilitate Redistributed Manufacturing Using a Co-creation Lens: Patterns from Consumer Goods,” Procedia CIRP, 0, 680–85.
- Wyllie, Jessica, Benjamin Lucas, Jamie Carlson, Brent Kitchens, Ben Kozary, and Mohamed Zaki (2016), “An Examination of Not-For-Profit Stakeholder Networks for Relationship Management: A Small-Scale Analysis on Social Media,” PloSONE,11 (10), e0163914.
- Hartmann, Philipp Max, Mohamed Zaki, Niels Feldmann, and Andy Neely (2016), “Capturing Value from Big Data - A Taxonomy of Data-Driven Business Models Used by Start-Up Firms,” International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 36 (10), 1382-1406.
- Villarroel Ordenes, Francisco, Babis Theodoulidis, Jamie Burton, Thorsten Gruber, and Mohamed Zaki (2014), “Analyzing Customer Experience Feedback Using Text Mining: A Linguistics-Based Approach,” Journal of Service Research,17 (3), 278-295. The paper has been selected as one of four finalists for the Journal of Service Research Best Article Award for 2014. Also, it has been selected to be one of must-reads article of Marketing Science Institute (MSI) available at:http://www.msi.org/articles/must-read-journal-articles-from-2014/.
- Zaki, Mohamed, Theodoulidis, Babis, and David Díaz (2011). “Stock-touting” through spam e-mails: a data mining case study. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 22(6), 770–787. Doi: 10.1108/17410381111149639.
- Duggimpudi, R., Abdou, H., and Mohamed Zaki (2010). An evaluation of equity diversified mutual funds: the case of the Indian market. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 7(4), 77–84.
Books, Book Chapters and Case Studies
- Satzger, G., Patricio, L., Zaki, M., Kühl, N., Hottum, P. (2018), Exploring Service Science, 9th International Conference, IESS 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 19–21, 2018, Proceedings
- Zaki, Mohamed and Andy Neely (2018 Forthcoming), "Customer Experience Analytics: Dynamic Customer-Centric Mode" in Handbook of Service Science, Paul P. Maglio and Cheryl A. Kieliszewski and James C. Spohrer and Kelly Lyons and Yuriko Sawatani and Lia Patrício, eds., Vol. 2: Springer International Publishing AG
- Zaki, Mohamed, Theodoulidis, Babis, Diaz, David (2018 Forthcoming), “Ontology-Driven Framework for Stock Market Monitoring and Surveillance, Handbook of Global Financial Market: Transformations, Dependence, and Risk Spillovers, Sabri Boubaker and Duc Khuong Nguyen, World Scientific
- Christopher Turner, Ashutosh Tiwari1, Jose Luis Rivas Pizarroso1, Mariale Morenol, Doroteya Vladimirova , Mohamed Zaki , and Martin Geißdörfer (2017), Digital Redistributed Manufacturing (RdM) Studio: A Data-Driven Approach to Business Model Development, Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2017, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 68, Springer International Publishing
- David Diaz and Mohamed Zaki “Lo ‘Big’ y lo no tanto”, (2017), Dynamics of innovation made in LATAM “Dinámicas de la innovación made in LATAM”, Spanish Translation.
- Zaki, Mohamed, Bøe-lillegraven, T., and Andy Neely (2016). A Transition Towards a Data-Driven Business Model (DDBM): A Case Study of Nettavisen Online Newspaper Publishing. SAGE Publishing. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781473970113.

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